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How to implement FusedLocationProviderClient as a Service?




Since this the new Android 8 update came out there are many limitations imposed on how background services work.

So my app needs to fetch in background the user's location regularly and for that, I considered using FusedLocationProviderClient suggested by Android Website. After the location has been fetched I just need to some simple work with the info.

Right now I developed this sample of code:

private fun updateLocation(){
    //Location Request
    val mLocationRequest = LocationRequest();
    mLocationRequest.smallestDisplacement = 1000f;
    mLocationRequest.interval = 5*60*1000;
    mLocationRequest.priority = LocationRequest.PRIORITY_BALANCED_POWER_ACCURACY;

    //Location Provider
    val mFusedLocationProviderClient = LocationServices.getFusedLocationProviderClient(this)

    //Check Location Permission

    //Request Location

private val locationCallback = object:LocationCallback(){
    override fun onLocationResult(locationResult: LocationResult?) {

So I have a question:

Q. Should I use a Scheduled Job each time I want to update the location?

If I want my app to get updates even if the activity has been closed, it sounds like a Service's job right? But with this new updates, my service doesn't run forever so it will be killed sooner or later.

Using a regularly scheduled job, the service will be launched when the conditions are met but it seems kinda weird to schedule regular jobs to update the location instead of using a unique service that makes use of the Interval and SmallestDisplacement for new updates.

The requestLocationUpdates() invoke his callback every time the LocationRequest's conditions are met (interval and/or smallestDisplacement in this sample). That's what I'm trying to accomplish, I want a job that requests for location updates, not multiple jobs rescheduled as I need the updates that request for the location.

Is there any other better way to accomplish what I'm trying to say or I need this new approach of scheduled jobs?

Anyways, sorry for this messy post, it's my first question on Stack Overflow Thanks :)

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ricardoatds Avatar asked Mar 10 '18 12:03


People also ask

What is FusedLocationProviderClient?

The FusedLocationProviderClient provides several methods to retrieve device location information. Choose from one of the following, depending on your app's use case: getLastLocation() gets a location estimate more quickly and minimizes battery usage that can be attributed to your app.

What is fused location provider?

The fused location provider is a location API in Google Play services that intelligently combines different signals to provide the location information that your app needs.

1 Answers

Use the Geofencing API for that. That gives you an intent that you can handle in an IntentService. No notification required.

All you need to do is to setup a new geofence with 1000m radius at the current position and wait for the user to leave.

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leonardkraemer Avatar answered Sep 22 '22 14:09
