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How to implement Export sqlite To excel/csv file in android?


I am developing android app where SQlite as a database.I want to export certain result from DB in to excel file format programatically, want to store that excel to local device path I have come across following links

  • SQlite database programmatically convert into Excel file format in Android

  • Android - Generate CSV file from table values

  • android exporting to csv and sending as email attachment

So what is exact procedure to implement Export to Excel for android apps ?

like image 648
Aditi K Avatar asked Jan 30 '14 04:01

Aditi K

People also ask

How do I export data from SQLite to excel?

Use CSV as the export format. Read each row of your table, jopin the columns using a semicolon ( ; ) and append the line to a text file. EASY.

How do I create a CSV file on Android?

At first you need to download this library Download. Then try... String csv = "C:\\work\\output. csv"; CSVWriter writer = new CSVWriter(new FileWriter(csv)); List<string[]> data = new ArrayList<string[]>(); data.

1 Answers

Guys here is answer that I have implemented successfully

//new async task for file export to csv private class ExportDatabaseCSVTask extends AsyncTask<String, String, Boolean> {     private final ProgressDialog dialog = new ProgressDialog(SearchResultActivity.this);     boolean memoryErr = false;      // to show Loading dialog box     @Override     protected void onPreExecute() {         this.dialog.setMessage("Exporting database...");         this.dialog.show();     }      // to write process      protected Boolean doInBackground(final String... args) {          boolean success = false;          String currentDateString = new SimpleDateFormat(Constants.SimpleDtFrmt_ddMMyyyy).format(new Date());          File dbFile = getDatabasePath("HLPL_FRETE.db");         Log.v(TAG, "Db path is: " + dbFile); // get the path of db         File exportDir = new File(Environment.getExternalStorageDirectory() + File.separator + Constants.FileNm.FILE_DIR_NM, "");          long freeBytesInternal = new File(getApplicationContext().getFilesDir().getAbsoluteFile().toString()).getFreeSpace();                    long megAvailable = freeBytesInternal / 1048576;          if (megAvailable < 0.1) {                            System.out.println("Please check"+megAvailable);             memoryErr = true;                        }else {                          exportDirStr = exportDir.toString();// to show in dialogbox             Log.v(TAG, "exportDir path::" + exportDir);             if (!exportDir.exists()) {                 exportDir.mkdirs();             }                try {                 List<SalesActivity> listdata = salesLst;                 SalesActivity sa = null;                 String lob = null;                 for (int index = 0; index < listdata.size();) {                     sa = listdata.get(index);                     lob = sa.getLob();                     break;                 }                 if (Constants.Common.OCEAN_LOB.equals(lob)) {                      file = new File(exportDir, Constants.FileNm.FILE_OFS + currentDateString + ".csv");                 } else {                     file = new File(exportDir, Constants.FileNm.FILE_AFS + currentDateString + ".csv");                 }                 file.createNewFile();                 CSVWriter csvWrite = new CSVWriter(new FileWriter(file));                   // this is the Column of the table and same for Header of CSV                 // file                 if (Constants.Common.OCEAN_LOB.equals(lob)) {                     csvWrite.writeNext(Constants.FileNm.CSV_O_HEADER);                 }else{                     csvWrite.writeNext(Constants.FileNm.CSV_A_HEADER);                 }                 String arrStr1[] = { "SR.No", "CUTSOMER NAME", "PROSPECT", "PORT OF LOAD", "PORT OF DISCHARGE" };                 csvWrite.writeNext(arrStr1);                  if (listdata.size() > 0) {                     for (int index = 0; index < listdata.size(); index++) {                         sa = listdata.get(index);                         String pol;                         String pod;                         if (Constants.Common.OCEAN_LOB.equals(sa.getLob())) {                             pol = sa.getPortOfLoadingOENm();                             pod = sa.getPortOfDischargeOENm();                         } else {                             pol = sa.getAirportOfLoadNm();                             pod = sa.getAirportOfDischargeNm();                         }                         int srNo = index;                         String arrStr[] = { String.valueOf(srNo + 1), sa.getCustomerNm(), sa.getProspectNm(), pol, pod };                         csvWrite.writeNext(arrStr);                     }                     success = true;                 }                 csvWrite.close();              } catch (IOException e) {                 Log.e("SearchResultActivity", e.getMessage(), e);                 return success;             }         }         return success;     }      // close dialog and give msg     protected void onPostExecute(Boolean success) {         if (this.dialog.isShowing()) {             this.dialog.dismiss();         }         if (success) {             dialogBox(Constants.Flag.FLAG_EXPRT_S);         } else {                             if (memoryErr==true) {                 dialogBox(Constants.Flag.FLAG_MEMORY_ERR);             } else {                 dialogBox(Constants.Flag.FLAG_EXPRT_F);             }         }     } } 
like image 124
Aditi K Avatar answered Sep 17 '22 16:09

Aditi K