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how to implement elastic search using Java? [closed]



I want to implement elastic search using Java in windows environment.please provide me some implementation details.

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Sameek Mishra Avatar asked Dec 14 '10 07:12

Sameek Mishra

People also ask

How do you use elastic search in Java?

Elasticsearch is a NoSQL Database, which is developed in Java programming language. It is a real-time, distributed, and analysis engine that is designed for storing logs. It is a highly scalable document storage engine. Similar to the MongoDB, it stores the data in document format.

How do you implement elastic search?

First of all, you need Elasticsearch. Follow the documentation instructions to download the latest version, install it and start it. Basically, you need a recent version of Java, download and install Elasticsearch for your Operating System, and finally start it with the default values - bin/elasticsearch.

Does Elasticsearch run on Java?

Elasticsearch is built using Java, and includes a bundled version of OpenJDK from the JDK maintainers (GPLv2+CE) within each distribution. The bundled JVM is the recommended JVM and is located within the jdk directory of the Elasticsearch home directory.

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2 Answers

To know more about the elastic search based on the Lucene See the following link

Elastic Search Java API

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Shashi Avatar answered Oct 12 '22 22:10


You can use the below link to understand the java api for the elastic search http://www.elasticsearch.org/guide/reference/java-api/ The rest api can be called and used accordingly

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saurabh j Avatar answered Oct 12 '22 20:10

saurabh j