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How to implement a reader monad to access a database




I try to implement a reader monad for the first time.

I want to use monadic style to query the database.

use case 1 : a user has a one-to-one relation with a colleague. Pseudo code is getUserById(getUserById(id).getColleague())

use case 2 : retrieve a list of users by id. Pseudo code is List(getUserById(id1), getUserById(id2))

It seems that this is good use cases for monads. My goal is to see if I can take advantage of monads to improve my code

PS : Please provide at least one answer without scalaz.

Here is the code :

package monad
import com.mongodb.casbah.Imports._

object Monad {
  type UserId = Int
  case class User(id: UserId, name: String, colleagueId: UserId)

  trait Reader[I, A] { self =>
    def run(id: I) : A
    def map[B](f: A => B) : Reader[I, B] = 
      new Reader[I, B] { def run(id: I) = f(self.run(id)) }
    def flatMap[B](f: A => Reader[I, B]) : Reader[I, B] =
      new Reader[I, B] { def run(id: I) = f(self.run(id)).run(id) }

  def coll = MongoClient()("test")("user")

  def DBObject2User(o: DBObject) : User = User(o.as[Double]("id").toInt, o.as[String]("name"), o.as[Double]("colleague").toInt)

  // Strange design, id is not used…
  def User2Colleague(u: User) : Reader[UserId, DBObject] = 
    unit(coll.findOne(MongoDBObject("id" -> u.colleagueId)).get)

  def GetUserById : Reader[UserId, DBObject] = 
    Reader { id: UserId => coll.findOne(MongoDBObject("id" -> id)).get }

  def GetUserById2 : Reader[UserId, User] = GetUserById.map(DBObject2User)

  def unit[A](a: => A) = Reader { id: UserId => a }

  object Reader {
    def apply[I, A](f: I => A) = new Reader[I, A] { def run(i: I) = f(i) }

  def main(args: Array[String]) {
    // I can do

    // Same with for comprehension
    val userReader = for (io <- GetUserById2) yield io

    //Combination to explore one-to-one relation
    val user = GetUserById2.run(1)
    val colleague = GetUserById2.run(user.colleagueId)

    // Same with flatMap

    // Same with for-comprehension but doesn't work
    val io = for {io  <- GetUserById2
                  io2 <- User2Colleague(io).map(DBObject2User)} yield io2

    //TODO: List[Reader] to Reader[List]

Is it the good way ? I have some doubt, cf my comment Strange design

How could I improve my code ?

like image 815
Yann Moisan Avatar asked Feb 15 '23 20:02

Yann Moisan

1 Answers

I have tried to rework your proposal making the collection the Input for the reader, reworking the naming a bit as I went.

package monad
package object reader{
  type UserId = Int
package reader {

case class User(id: UserId, name: String, colleagueId: UserId)

import com.mongodb.casbah.Imports._
import com.mongodb.casbah

trait Reader[I, A] {
  self =>
  val run = apply _

  def apply(id:I):A

  def map[B](f: A => B): Reader[I, B] =
    new Reader[I, B] {
      def apply(id: I) = f(self.run(id))

  def flatMap[B](f: A => Reader[I, B]): Reader[I, B] =
    new Reader[I, B] {
      def apply(id: I) = f(self(id)).run(id)

object Reader {
  def unit[A](a: => A) = apply {
    id: UserId => a

  def apply[I, A](f: I => A) = new Reader[I, A] {
    def apply(i: I) = f(i)

object Users {

  def asUser(o: DBObject): User = User(o.as[Double]("id").toInt, o.as[String]("name"), o.as[Double]("colleague").toInt)

  def colleague(u: User): Reader[MongoCollection, User] =
      coll => asUser(coll.findOne(MongoDBObject("id" -> u.colleagueId)).get)

  def getUserById(id:UserId): Reader[MongoCollection, User] =
    Reader {
      coll => asUser(coll.findOne(MongoDBObject("id" -> id)).get)

object Client extends App {

  import Users._
  def coll: casbah.MongoCollection = MongoClient()("test")("user")

  // I can do

  // Same with for comprehension
  val userReader = for (user <- getUserById(1)) yield user

  //Combination to explore one-to-one relation
  val user = getUserById(1)(coll)
  val otherUser = getUserById(user.colleagueId)(coll)

  // Same with flatMap

  // Same with for-comprehension but doesn't work
  val coworkerReader = for {user <- getUserById(1)
                            coworker <- colleague(user)} yield coworker


Using this approach I think the code is easier to test as you can pass around the dependency(the MongoCollection) while manipulating only values and functions in your signatures. Read more at http://blog.originate.com/blog/2013/10/21/reader-monad-for-dependency-injection/ (I am not the author but it is a clear explanation)

like image 171
Jean Avatar answered Feb 24 '23 18:02
