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How to implement a matrix multiplication in Keras?

I just want to implement a function that given a matrix X returns the covariance matrix of X (X^T*X), which is just a simple matrix multiplication.

In Tensorflow it's gonna be easy: tf.matmul(X, tf.transpose(X))

But I didn't expect that it's a nightmare with Keras. The APIs in Keras like multiply and dot don't fit my request. I also tried different ways (Lambda layer and mixed with TF operations) but still failed, occurred lots of errors.

Hope someone may help. Thanks.

like image 268
Rui Meng Avatar asked May 03 '17 08:05

Rui Meng

2 Answers

Actually you do have the analogous in Keras. Try dot(x, transpose(x)).

A working example comparing the two platforms follows.

import keras.backend as K
import numpy as np
import tensorflow as tf

def cov_tf(x_val):
    x = tf.constant(x_val)
    cov = tf.matmul(x, tf.transpose(x))
    return cov.eval(session=tf.Session())

def cov_keras(x_val):
    x = K.constant(x_val)
    cov = K.dot(x, K.transpose(x))
    return cov.eval(session=tf.Session())

if __name__ == '__main__':
    x = np.random.rand(4, 5)
    delta = np.abs(cov_tf(x) - cov_keras(x)).max()
    print('Maximum absolute difference:', delta)

The maximum absolute difference is printed and gives me something around 1e-7.

like image 162
grovina Avatar answered Nov 14 '22 04:11


You must have a layer, and inside the layer make the calculation.

import keras.backend as K
from keras.layers import Lambda
from keras.models import Model

inp = Input((your input shape))
previousLayerOutput = SomeLayerBeforeTheCovariance(blabla)(inp)    

covar = Lambda(lambda x: K.dot(K.transpose(x),x), 
    output_shape = (your known shape of x))(previousLayerOutput)

nextOut = SomeOtherLayerAfterThat(blablabla)(covar)
lastOut = AnotherLayer(bahblanba)(nextOut)

model = Model(inp, lastOut)
like image 33
Daniel Möller Avatar answered Nov 14 '22 04:11

Daniel Möller