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How to implement a binary search tree in Python?

This is what I've got so far but it is not working:

class Node:     rChild,lChild,data = None,None,None      def __init__(self,key):         self.rChild = None         self.lChild = None         self.data = key  class Tree:     root,size = None,0     def __init__(self):         self.root = None         self.size = 0      def insert(self,node,someNumber):         if node is None:             node = Node(someNumber)         else:             if node.data > someNumber:                 self.insert(node.rchild,someNumber)             else:                 self.insert(node.rchild, someNumber)         return  def main():     t = Tree()     t.root = Node(4)     t.root.rchild = Node(5)     print t.root.data #this works     print t.root.rchild.data #this works too     t = Tree()     t.insert(t.root,4)     t.insert(t.root,5)     print t.root.data #this fails     print t.root.rchild.data #this fails too  if __name__ == '__main__':      main() 
like image 822
chochim Avatar asked Mar 26 '11 18:03


People also ask

How is a binary search tree implemented?

Insertion in Binary Search tree To insert an element in BST, we have to start searching from the root node; if the node to be inserted is less than the root node, then search for an empty location in the left subtree. Else, search for the empty location in the right subtree and insert the data.

2 Answers

Here is a quick example of a binary insert:

class Node:     def __init__(self, val):         self.l_child = None         self.r_child = None         self.data = val  def binary_insert(root, node):     if root is None:         root = node     else:         if root.data > node.data:             if root.l_child is None:                 root.l_child = node             else:                 binary_insert(root.l_child, node)         else:             if root.r_child is None:                 root.r_child = node             else:                 binary_insert(root.r_child, node)  def in_order_print(root):     if not root:         return     in_order_print(root.l_child)     print root.data     in_order_print(root.r_child)  def pre_order_print(root):     if not root:         return             print root.data     pre_order_print(root.l_child)     pre_order_print(root.r_child)     

r = Node(3) binary_insert(r, Node(7)) binary_insert(r, Node(1)) binary_insert(r, Node(5)) 

     3     / \    1   7       /      5 

print "in order:" in_order_print(r)  print "pre order" pre_order_print(r)  in order: 1 3 5 7 pre order 3 1 7 5 
like image 189
dting Avatar answered Sep 23 '22 19:09


class Node:      rChild,lChild,data = None,None,None 

This is wrong - it makes your variables class variables - that is, every instance of Node uses the same values (changing rChild of any node changes it for all nodes!). This is clearly not what you want; try

class Node:      def __init__(self, key):         self.rChild = None         self.lChild = None         self.data = key 

now each node has its own set of variables. The same applies to your definition of Tree,

class Tree:     root,size = None,0    # <- lose this line!     def __init__(self):         self.root = None         self.size = 0 

Further, each class should be a "new-style" class derived from the "object" class and should chain back to object.__init__():

class Node(object):      def __init__(self, data, rChild=None, lChild=None):         super(Node,self).__init__()         self.data   = data         self.rChild = rChild         self.lChild = lChild  class Tree(object):     def __init__(self):         super(Tree,self).__init__()         self.root = None         self.size = 0 

Also, main() is indented too far - as shown, it is a method of Tree which is uncallable because it does not accept a self argument.

Also, you are modifying the object's data directly (t.root = Node(4)) which kind of destroys encapsulation (the whole point of having classes in the first place); you should be doing something more like

def main():     t = Tree()     t.add(4)    # <- let the tree create a data Node and insert it     t.add(5) 
like image 42
Hugh Bothwell Avatar answered Sep 21 '22 19:09

Hugh Bothwell