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How to ignore properties based on their type




I'm using AutoMapper to copy an entity framework object to another identical database. The problem is that it tries to copy the lookup tables.

I have tried to exclude them with the AddGlobalIgnore and the ShouldMapProperty but it doesn't work. AutoMapper still try to copy those properties.

Here's my code. I would like to ignore the properties that start with "LU"

 dynamic newObject= new NewObject();

 MapperConfiguration config = new MapperConfiguration(cfg =>
     cfg.CreateMissingTypeMaps = true;
     cfg.ShouldMapProperty = p => !p.GetType().ToString().StartsWith("LU");
     cfg.ShouldMapField = p => !p.GetType().ToString().StartsWith("LU");
 IMapper mapper = config.CreateMapper();
 newObject = mapper.Map(objectToCopy, objectToCopy.GetType(), newObject.GetType()); 

I did also tried

MapperConfiguration config = new MapperConfiguration(cfg =>
   cfg.CreateMissingTypeMaps = true;
   cfg.ShouldMapProperty = p => !p.PropertyType.Name.StartsWith("LU");
   cfg.ShouldMapField = p => !p.FieldType.Name.StartsWith("LU");


MapperConfiguration config = new MapperConfiguration(cfg =>
   cfg.CreateMissingTypeMaps = true;
   cfg.ShouldMapProperty = p => !p.Name.StartsWith("LU");
   cfg.ShouldMapField = p => !p.Name.StartsWith("LU");
like image 728
Marc Avatar asked Mar 16 '16 16:03


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If there are fields in Java objects that do not wish to be serialized, we can use the @JsonIgnore annotation in the Jackson library. The @JsonIgnore can be used at the field level, for ignoring fields during the serialization and deserialization.

How do I ignore properties in Jackson?

The Jackson @JsonIgnore annotation can be used to ignore a certain property or field of a Java object. The property can be ignored both when reading JSON into Java objects and when writing Java objects into JSON.

How do I ignore properties in ObjectMapper?

ObjectMapper; ObjectMapper objectMapper = new ObjectMapper(); objectMapper. configure(DeserializationFeature. FAIL_ON_UNKNOWN_PROPERTIES, false); This will now ignore unknown properties for any JSON it's going to parse, You should only use this option if you can't annotate a class with @JsonIgnoreProperties annotation.

1 Answers

Create your configuration as a separate profile, then add that profile to the mapper configuration.

class Program
    static void Main(string[] args)
        dynamic newObject = new NewObject();
        var objectToCopy = new ObjectToCopy();

        var config = new MapperConfiguration(cfg =>

        var mapper = config.CreateMapper();
        mapper.Map(objectToCopy, newObject);
        // newObject.LU_Ignore = "Original value"
        // newObject.DoNotIgnore = "New value"

class MyProfile : Profile
    protected override void Configure()
        CreateMissingTypeMaps = true;
        ShouldMapProperty = p => !p.Name.StartsWith("LU"); // this is the correct way to get the property name

class ObjectToCopy
    public string LU_Ignore { get; set; } = "New value";

    public string DoNotIgnore { get; set; } = "New value";

class NewObject
    public string LU_Ignore { get; set; } = "Original value";

    public string DoNotIgnore { get; set; } = "Original value";

Something seems goofy about how configurations are applied to the Mapper created form the mapper.CreateMapper call. I'm looking into it to see if I can find out more information and will update this answer if I find anything.

like image 86
Will Ray Avatar answered Nov 07 '22 07:11

Will Ray