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How to ignore jQuery breakpoints when debugging in Chrome?

Whenever I try to debug my website, it stops many times in the jQuery .js file, even if there are no breakpoints there. This is very annoying, as I only want to debug where I have put breakpoints in my code.

How can i make chrome ignore the jQuery core file when debugging, and only focus on the places where I have put a breakpoint?

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Kenci Avatar asked Apr 11 '13 09:04


People also ask

How do I turn off breakpoints in Chrome?

Right-click anywhere in the Breakpoints pane to deactivate all breakpoints, disable all breakpoints, or remove all breakpoints. Disabling all breakpoints is equivalent to unchecking each one.

How do I debug jquery in Chrome?

Step 1: Run your page in Google Chrome. Step 2: Press F12. Step 3: Click on the Sources tab. Step 4: In this example, I write debugger after the button click.

How do you stop breakpoints?

To Disable a Single Breakpoint In the Query Editor window, right-click the breakpoint, and then click Disable Breakpoint. In the Breakpoints window, clear the check box to the left of the breakpoint.

1 Answers

When debuggin using Chrome the only reason the debugger stops inside the jQuery files is if you use F11 (step-in) while debugging instead of F8 (pause/continue execution) or if an error was encountered and you have pause on errors enabled.

Off course any debugger; lines will also force the execution to halt.

To ignore errors there is a little circle icon in the Sources tab on the bottom which can be clicked into 3 states.

  • Gray State = Don't Pause on Exceptions
  • Blue State = Pause on all exceptions
  • Purple State = Paus only on uncaught exceptions

See image below regarding the icon I'm refering to, click it for the different states.

Also, on the right of the image you can see different sections like: DOM Breakpoints and XHR Breakpoints, etc. Check those have no breakpoints either, just-in case.

Hope this helps.

enter image description here

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Nope Avatar answered Sep 25 '22 06:09
