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How to Ignore certain Errors in Development Tools?

On a test system I have a lot of 404 errors that are not important to me right now. Still they are cluttering the console in Chromium's Developer Tools, making it pretty much useless.

Is it possible to ignore errors of a certain type? In this case, I want all 404-errors to not be shown.

like image 783
k0pernikus Avatar asked Feb 10 '12 10:02


People also ask

How do I ignore an error in Chrome?

First, you have to right-click on Google Chrome using the desktop. Then, you have to select the Properties option. Now, in the Target Field, write '-ignore-certificate-errors'/ and finally click the OK option. You will see the error code displaying on your screen, then click on the Proceed button.

1 Answers

If you need to filter errors for a particular domain, you can now do this directly using Chrome Developer Tools. Simply right click on the error you want to hide and then click Filter => Hide messages from...

like image 66
Dana Woodman Avatar answered Oct 11 '22 18:10

Dana Woodman