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How to identify Microsoft Edge in Google Analytics

How can I identify Windows 10 or Microsoft Edge users in Google Analytics?

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Mark Cooper Avatar asked Mar 16 '23 06:03

Mark Cooper

2 Answers

Edge is currently listed as a version of Chrome in GA. Each release has been listed with a unique Chrome version. You can use the site whatsmyagentstring.com to find the latest Edge UA string and get the Chrome browser version listed.

Search through the Chrome stats for that UA and you will find Edge.

Here is what happened when Edge was released with the User Agent "Mozilla/5.0 (Windows NT 10.0) AppleWebKit/537.36 (KHTML, like Gecko) Chrome/42.0.2311.135 Safari/537.36 Edge/12.10136"

This is Chrome 42.0.2311.135 http://1drv.ms/1JvKSCz

And here is what happened with an earlier Project Spartan UA that contained Chrome/39.0.2171.71

This is Chrome/39.0.2171.71 http://1drv.ms/1JvKsMg

Hopefully Google will add Edge soon and simplify matters, but until then, I hope this helps!

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MattMystic Avatar answered Apr 08 '23 17:04


Currently Windows 10 / Edge users are appearing with a user-agent of:


My investigation so far points to Windows+NT+10.0 being the key value in this situation, and these are showing as Operating System Version = NT.

The OS is not yet isolated in GA, but can hits can be viewed by using the following filters:

  • Audience > Technology > Browser & OS
  • Primary Dimension = Operating System
  • Secondary Dimension = Operating System Version
  • Select NT

Whilst we see historical activity for NT going back many months, we are seeing a definite spike in hits today (Win10 RTM date for those visiting this post from the future).

UPDATE - 05/08

Windows 10 and Edge Browsers are now available as first class properties within Operating System and Browsers dimensions respectively

UPDATE - 12/08

Both 'Windows 10' and 'Edge' dimensions are showing far fewer hits than NT. I'm not convinced this is logging correctly in GA yet.

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Mark Cooper Avatar answered Apr 08 '23 18:04

Mark Cooper