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How to identify an object is transient or detached in hibernate?



I know that transient instance means the instance is newly created and its corresponding row does not exist in the database where as detached instance has corresponding entry in the database but not associated with any session at present.

Is there any way to identify an object is transient or detached using any methods on Session or something else in hibernate programatically?

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Srinivas Avatar asked Oct 20 '13 06:10


People also ask

What is difference between transient persistent and detached object in hibernate?

The transient object is not associated with the session, hibernate knows nothing about them. Similarly, the detached object is also not associated with the session, but a Persistent object is associated with the session.

What is detached object in hibernate?

A detached entity is just an ordinary entity POJO whose identity value corresponds to a database row. The difference from a managed entity is that it's not tracked anymore by any persistence context. An entity can become detached when the Session used to load it was closed, or when we call Session.

What is transient in hibernate?

Transient - an object is transient if it has just been instantiated using the new operator, and it is not associated with a Hibernate Session . It has no persistent representation in the database and no identifier value has been assigned.

What is the difference between persistent and transient objects?

Persistent means that the object has been saved to the database whereas transient means that it hasn't been saved yet. So for example when you get an entity from a repository, that entity is persistent. When you create a new entity, it is transient until persisted.

2 Answers

It sounds like you're looking for EntityManager#contains(Object).

Check if the instance is a managed entity instance belonging to the current persistence context.

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Matt Ball Avatar answered Oct 13 '22 20:10

Matt Ball

In order to check if object e is in :-

  1. Persistence Context :- EntityManager.contains(e) should return true.

  2. Detached State : PersistenceUnitUtil.getIdentifier(e) returns the value of the entity’s identifier property.

  3. Transient State :- PersistenceUnitUtil.getIdentifier(e) returns null

You can get to the PersistenceUnitUtil from the EntityManagerFactory.

There are two issues to look out for. First, be aware that the identifier value may not be assigned and available until the persistence context is flushed. Second, Hibernate (unlike some other JPA providers) never returns null from Persistence- UnitUtil#getIdentifier() if your identifier property is a primitive (a long and not a Long).

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user2332505 Avatar answered Oct 13 '22 20:10
