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How to host a HTML site on WordPress without using any theme? Is that Possible? [closed]



I want to host my HTML coded site (it's just HTML) on WordPress without any themes, is that possible? To remove the theme but still use WordPress to host and access the HTML pages, how would that be done? Where would I paste the HTML then if I remove the theme?

I also noticed when I try to remove the themes manually, it collapses WordPress and I can't access the WP-admin control panel. So how do I keep WordPress instated and accessible without a theme installed on it?

Please see this quick 1:50 second video: http://youtu.be/5Jd_KV3p5Kw (it shows a demo of it)

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mike Avatar asked Apr 21 '13 07:04


People also ask

Can you have a WordPress site without a theme?

Every WordPress site technically needs to have a theme installed and activated, but that doesn't necessarily mean you need to use your theme's design.

Can I use my own HTML on WordPress?

You can copy the HTML for that content, and then upload it to your WordPress site. Or, you can recreate the content from scratch and write the HTML yourself. Once complete, upload your HTML file to WordPress, and presto!

How do I add HTML to my WordPress website?

Create a New Folder and Upload an HTML File to WordPress Then click New Folder. Name your new folder and click Create New Folder. Double click on the folder you just created then click Upload to select your HTML file. Once this is done, you'll see your zipped HTML file in the folder.

Why it is not recommended to use free WordPress themes?

A high number of free themes are embedded with malicious code and encrypted links to spammy websites or malware. Free themes are rarely updated with the frequency of WordPress updates—if they are updated at all. They also don't come with support should anything go wrong with the theme.

1 Answers

WordPress requires you use a theme. As such, there's no good reason to try and remove the themeing functionality.

However, it sounds like you want to integrate a static HTML page in lieu of your standard dynamically generated WordPress page which uses the WYSIWYG editor and functions. Simply modifying the "home.php" or "index.php" should change how the home page is displayed. Essentially, you can paste all your normal HTML in there without using WordPress's dynamic functionality. You can also generate pages in WordPress's backend, and customize the HTML for the individual pages by creating files in your active theme folder called page-{slug}.php, where slug is the slug of the page you'd like to control. From there, you can use WordPress's shortcodes to display various plugin data, should the plugin(s) support shortcodes (you can always program them yourself).

WordPress tries to simplify the development experience by preparing a series of pre-built functions which helps you avoid repeating yourself. From what it sounds like, you want to skip past most of the WordPress magic and defeat a lot of the purposes of having WordPress to only utilize some WordPress plugin functionality.

  1. Customize the index.php, page-{slug}.php, 404.php, header.php, and footer.php pages in your active theme folder and strip out any WordPress functionality. Note: I don't see the benefit in this other than lack of knowledge in WordPress theme integrations.

  2. Use do_shortcode http://codex.wordpress.org/Function_Reference/do_shortcode to call plugin functions directly outside the loop without the need of rendering a page's WYSIWYG content.

While it might be more of an effort, it's worth it in the long run to spend a few hours learning the basics of WordPress HTML -> Theme integrations. Not only is it a valuable skill (you're practically already on-route already), but it'll save you time later that otherwise could've been avoided. The knowledge will pay for itself.

I hope that helped.

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Tim Selaty Jr. Avatar answered Oct 03 '22 22:10

Tim Selaty Jr.