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How to highlight a newly inserted row in mat-table angular 7


I have a mat-table where I display list of rows. I have a add new button through which user can manually add a row. Working Stackblitz: https://stackblitz.com/edit/angular-axjzov-8zmcnp I want the option to highlight the newly inserted row for 2-3 sec so that the user can see the newly created row. How do I achieve this?

like image 314
Cpt Kitkat Avatar asked Feb 04 '19 10:02

Cpt Kitkat

1 Answers

You can add this to the style css

    mat-row.mat-row {
        animation: highlight 3s;

    @keyframes highlight {
      0% {
        background: red
      100% {
        background: none;

In case you only want to highlight the new rows, you need to define the new row to add a class to them.

So let's say the class name is "highlight".

In the component you add:

export class TableFilteringExample {
    newRowIndex = 0;
    addElement() {

In the HTML template file:


    <mat-row *matRowDef="let row; columns: displayedColumns; let i = index"
        [ngClass]="{'highlight': i < newRowIndex}"></mat-row>


And in the style file:

.highlight {
    animation: highlight 3s;

@keyframes highlight {
    0% {
        background: red
    100% {
        background: none;
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Nguyen Phong Thien Avatar answered Sep 22 '22 09:09

Nguyen Phong Thien