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How to hide the "! NEW" tag on a sharepoint list without affecting lists contained in the site?

Does anybody know if it is possible to hide the "NEW" label that gets appended to the Title field of a new SharePoint list item?

I have a nightly script that copies a list from one site to another site list and don't need the NEW to show up.

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Luke Hutton Avatar asked Oct 01 '10 18:10

Luke Hutton

2 Answers

If you just want to remove them image from a single view or page rather than every list in the web application what you can use the favourite tool of SharePoint UI hackers everywhere - the Content Editor Web Part (CEWP) along with javascript/jquery/css.

In this case its easy, only CSS required.

For SharePoint 2010

The New image is displayed as so

<IMG class="ms-newgif" title="New" alt="New" src="/_layouts/1033/images/new.gif">

So if you add the following style into a CEWP (you have to use the HTML Source View, rather than the Rich Text Editor).

  IMG.ms-newgif {display:none;}

The New image will be hidden.

WSS3 and SharePoint 2007

The CSS is a little more complex

    TABLE.ms-unselectedtitle TD.ms-vb IMG {display:none;}
    TABLE.ms-selectedtitle TD.ms-vb IMG {display:none;}
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Ryan Avatar answered Sep 28 '22 13:09


You can set the value of days-to-show-new-icon property to 0. However, this affects entire Web site; you cannot do it only for selected lists.

More information: How to stop the !New tag from appearing when you add items to your SharePoint Team Services and SharePoint Services Web site

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Marek Grzenkowicz Avatar answered Sep 28 '22 12:09

Marek Grzenkowicz