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How to hide images of apk?




The base function of my application is showing images. I can extract the contents of an apk package on a PC. It is easy to see all assets in the package - among others the contained images. I would like to hide those images. They should only become visible at run-time on the device an user installed the package on.

Is there is any way to solve this issue? Thank you!

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arshad kr Avatar asked Nov 03 '22 19:11

arshad kr

1 Answers

Well there is a way around for this stuff.

  1. Create an database with Image table in sql-light.
  2. Store All the Images in BLOB field.
  3. Present or database when user intsall the APK
  4. Read all the Images from DB and present on UI.
  5. When user un-install the app; Remove the DB as well.

I know this is big but this is secure way to secure your images and make APK.

Hope this helps

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Jigar Pandya Avatar answered Nov 14 '22 23:11

Jigar Pandya