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How to hide and show canvas items on tkinter?

I know that pack and pack_forget can be used to show or hide widgets. Which are the equivalent commands for items on a canvas?

Notice: It would be better to keep the complete item information, including its position. This is not the case with pack/pack_forget, where you need to inform the position again whenever you use pack.

like image 705
bmello Avatar asked Nov 27 '18 12:11


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2 Answers

As mentioned in a comment by @CommonSense, you can toggle hide/show canvas items using:

canvas.itemconfigure(id, state='hidden'/'normal')

from a comment on an answer to this question, you get a similar functionality for widgets positioned with the grid geometry manager:

grid_remove is another option. It's advantage over grid_forget is that grid will remember all of the options, so that a simple grid() will put it right back. There is no pack_remove

like image 120
Reblochon Masque Avatar answered Oct 23 '22 15:10

Reblochon Masque

You need to use:

canvas.itemconfigure(id, state='hidden'/'normal')

as mentioned in @Reblochon Masque answer although attention to the id. this id is the return value of the widget placement method

id = parent.create_window(x, y, window=my_widget_name)

not the widget's name

like image 42
Kostas Markakis Avatar answered Oct 23 '22 17:10

Kostas Markakis