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How to hide a CSS media query from print? "not" logical operator does not work


I am trying to hide a media query from being printed, so I came up with @media not print and (min-width:732px). But for whatever reason, this (and many variations I have tried) does not display as I would expect in browsers.

The only option I can think of is to use @media screen and (max-width:732px), but I would like to avoid this as it excludes all the other media types besides screen.

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cyreb7 Avatar asked May 14 '12 21:05


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To override a specific media query rule, append a new css rule after the one you want to override. For example, if the last css rule does not have a media query attached, it will override all previously declared media queries (presuming the same selectors).

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1 Answers

Media queries grammar is pretty limited to say the least.

But with CSS3 (not CSS2.1) it seems that you can nest @media rules.

@media not print {     @media (min-width:732px) {         ...     } } 

This basically executes as (not print) and (min-width:732px).

See https://stackoverflow.com/a/11747166/3291457 for more info.

like image 174
Que Avatar answered Nov 07 '22 19:11
