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How to have Java method return generic list of any type?

People also ask

Can a method return a list Java?

The list() method of java. util. Collections class is used to return an array list containing the elements returned by the specified enumeration in the order they are returned by the enumeration.

Can method be generic in Java?

Generic Method: Generic Java method takes a parameter and returns some value after performing a task. It is exactly like a normal function, however, a generic method has type parameters that are cited by actual type. This allows the generic method to be used in a more general way.

private Object actuallyT;

public <T> List<T> magicalListGetter(Class<T> klazz) {
    List<T> list = new ArrayList<>();
    try {
        list.add(klazz.getConstructor().newInstance()); // If default constructor
    } ...
    return list;

One can give a generic type parameter to a method too. You have correctly deduced that one needs the correct class instance, to create things (klazz.getConstructor().newInstance()).

No need to even pass the class:

public <T> List<T> magicalListGetter() {
    return new ArrayList<T>();

You can use the old way:

public List magicalListGetter() {
    List list = doMagicalVooDooHere();

    return list;

or you can use Object and the parent class of everything:

public List<Object> magicalListGetter() {
    List<Object> list = doMagicalVooDooHere();

    return list;

Note Perhaps there is a better parent class for all the objects you will put in the list. For example, Number would allow you to put Double and Integer in there.

Another option is doing the following:

public class UserList extends List<User>{


public <T> T magicalListGetter(Class<T> clazz) {
    List<?> list = doMagicalVooDooHere();
    return (T)list;

List<User> users = magicalListGetter(UserList.class);


Let us have List<Object> objectList which we want to cast to List<T>

public <T> List<T> list(Class<T> c, List<Object> objectList){        
    List<T> list = new ArrayList<>();       
    for (Object o : objectList){
        T t = c.cast(o);
    return list;

Something like this

publiс <T> List<T> magicalListGetter(Class<T> clazz) {
    List list = doMagicalVooDooHere();
    return list;