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How to have an Ionic >=2 scrollable ion-list under fixed search bar

I have an Ionic >=2 application where I would like to have 2 or 3 fixed rows at the top of the page, and then have the rest of the page as a scrollable list (and later I want it to be virtual, but just want to get the simple list working forst).

As a simplified example, I have the following plunk. The markup repeated here is..

            <ion-title>{{ appName }}</ion-title>

    <ion-content scroll=false>
         <!-- Row 1 fixed at top -->
           <!-- Other cols -->

        <!-- Row 2 Scrollable list -->
              <ion-item *ngFor="let item of data">      
            </ion-list >  


The problem is the search bar also scrolls with the list, whereas I would like this to always remain visible at the top of the page.

Does anyone know why I have the search bar also scrolling when this is in a completely separate row to the ion-list? Should I be using an ion-grid in this way?

Thanks in advance for any help!

like image 514
peterc Avatar asked Apr 30 '17 04:04


1 Answers

ion-content does not have scroll input property to disable it.
If you need to have searchbar always visible, I suggest you place it in a toolbar.

        <ion-title>{{ appName }}</ion-title>

Or use ion-scroll with a fixed height.

    <!-- Row 2 Scrollable list -->
        <ion-scroll style="width:100%;height:100vh" scrollY="true">
           <ion-list scroll="true">
          <ion-item *ngFor="let item of data">



Sample Plunkr

Update: To answer @JohnDoe's comment.. in order to get scroll list to take the height of rest of the screen use Viewport percentage height to set the height of ion-scroll.

like image 118
Suraj Rao Avatar answered Oct 11 '22 20:10

Suraj Rao