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How to have a debug and release build in firebase analytics for Android?

I am looking for firebase to log data with my debug build and my release build separately. So when I am testing my app, I am not flooding my Analytics with non-user info. Can anyone point me in the right direct or know of a tutorial on this?

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Stephen Coyle Avatar asked Mar 27 '17 20:03

Stephen Coyle

People also ask

How do I use the debug view in GA4?

To monitor all events, use the tag type Google Analytics: GA4 Configuration and include the field 'debug_mode' = true : Debug mode is enabled automatically in preview mode. If preview mode is not enabled, you must set the debug_mode field to enable debug mode.

How do I know if Firebase Analytics is working?

In the Firebase console, open your project. Select Analytics from the menu to view the Analytics reporting dashboard. The Events tab shows the event reports that are automatically created for each distinct type of event logged by your app. Read more about the Analytics reporting dashboard in the Firebase Help Center.

What is App_remove in Firebase?

Firebase analytics track an event called app_remove , which is one of the automatically collected Firebase events. The app_remove event is an Android-only event that is tracked when an application package is removed or uninstalled from the device, irrespective of the installation source.

1 Answers

Bob's comment points in the correct direction. It's recommended for developers to set up multiple Firebase projects to achieve isolation of data between the same app running in different environments. This also gives you a safe place to experiment and develop without affecting your production users.

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Doug Stevenson Avatar answered Sep 24 '22 08:09

Doug Stevenson