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How to hash a string into 8 digits?

Is there anyway that I can hash a random string into a 8 digit number without implementing any algorithms myself?

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Bob Fang Avatar asked Apr 15 '13 06:04

Bob Fang

People also ask

How do I convert a string to a number hash?

hashCode() method of String class can be used to convert a string into hash code. hashCode() method will return either negative or positive integer hash values. The returned hash value cannot be re-converted back to string once hashed.

How do I hash a string?

The process of hashing in cryptography is to map any string of any given length, to a string with a fixed length. This smaller, fixed length string is known as a hash. To create a hash from a string, the string must be passed into a hash function.

How many numbers are in a hash?

In cryptography, SHA-1 (Secure Hash Algorithm 1) is a cryptographically broken but still widely used hash function which takes an input and produces a 160-bit (20-byte) hash value known as a message digest – typically rendered as a hexadecimal number, 40 digits long.

2 Answers

Yes, you can use the built-in hashlib module or the built-in hash function. Then, chop-off the last eight digits using modulo operations or string slicing operations on the integer form of the hash:

>>> s = 'she sells sea shells by the sea shore'  >>> # Use hashlib >>> import hashlib >>> int(hashlib.sha1(s.encode("utf-8")).hexdigest(), 16) % (10 ** 8) 58097614L  >>> # Use hash() >>> abs(hash(s)) % (10 ** 8) 82148974 
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Raymond Hettinger Avatar answered Sep 18 '22 09:09

Raymond Hettinger

Raymond's answer is great for python2 (though, you don't need the abs() nor the parens around 10 ** 8). However, for python3, there are important caveats. First, you'll need to make sure you are passing an encoded string. These days, in most circumstances, it's probably also better to shy away from sha-1 and use something like sha-256, instead. So, the hashlib approach would be:

>>> import hashlib >>> s = 'your string' >>> int(hashlib.sha256(s.encode('utf-8')).hexdigest(), 16) % 10**8 80262417 

If you want to use the hash() function instead, the important caveat is that, unlike in Python 2.x, in Python 3.x, the result of hash() will only be consistent within a process, not across python invocations. See here:

$ python -V Python 2.7.5 $ python -c 'print(hash("foo"))' -4177197833195190597 $ python -c 'print(hash("foo"))' -4177197833195190597  $ python3 -V Python 3.4.2 $ python3 -c 'print(hash("foo"))' 5790391865899772265 $ python3 -c 'print(hash("foo"))' -8152690834165248934 

This means the hash()-based solution suggested, which can be shortened to just:

hash(s) % 10**8

will only return the same value within a given script run:

#Python 2: $ python2 -c 's="your string"; print(hash(s) % 10**8)' 52304543 $ python2 -c 's="your string"; print(hash(s) % 10**8)' 52304543  #Python 3: $ python3 -c 's="your string"; print(hash(s) % 10**8)' 12954124 $ python3 -c 's="your string"; print(hash(s) % 10**8)' 32065451 

So, depending on if this matters in your application (it did in mine), you'll probably want to stick to the hashlib-based approach.

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JJC Avatar answered Sep 21 '22 09:09