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How to handle left over tasks in TFS [closed]




What is the best approach to handle tasks and user stories that didn't make the end of the sprint in TFS ?

My approach:

  • Set every task to 'Closed' with the right Reason substate. I copy this task + orginal estimate + remaining hours to Notepad.
  • Remove the iteration from the user story (so that it will be on the Product Backlog again)

For the next sprint:

  • Add the tasks from Notepad to TFS as new tasks, assign it to the right user story and set the user story to the current sprint.

This is just an approach. Do you have better ideas or suggestions ?

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Patrick Peters Avatar asked Jul 11 '12 04:07

Patrick Peters

1 Answers

If you are truly doing Scrum, you will see the only important metric for any team is "Remaining Work". The thing is that many people are obsessed with metrics, statistics, data and loose track of the essence of Scrum.

So keep it simple. In sprint review, simply agree with the PO to when to complete the work and then assign the outstanding tasks to the agreed sprint.

If you want a bit of a productivity boost; then create a query of undone tasks and simply replace the iteration column value to the next sprint and publish back to TFS.

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Brett Maytom PST Avatar answered Sep 28 '22 07:09

Brett Maytom PST