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How to group elements of a List by elements of another in Java 8

I have the following problem: Given these classes,

class Person {
    private String zip;
    public String getZip(){
        return zip;

class Region {
    private List<String> zipCodes;
    public List<String> getZipCodes() {
        return zipCodes;

using the Java 8 Stream API, how do I obtain a Map<Person, List<Region>> based on whether the Region contains that Person's zip code? In other words how do I group the regions by the people whose zip codes belong to those regions?

I've done it in Java 7 the old fashioned way, but now I have to migrate the code to take advantage of the new features in Java 8.

Thank you,


like image 221
impeto Avatar asked May 14 '15 18:05


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2 Answers

I suspect the cleanest way to do this -- I'm not quite happy with the other answers posted -- would be

    person -> person,
    person -> regions.stream()
       .filter(region -> region.getZipCodes().contains(person.getZip()))
like image 167
Louis Wasserman Avatar answered Oct 09 '22 16:10

Louis Wasserman

The original answer does an unnecessary mapping with tuples, so you see there the final solution. You could remove the mapping, and simply filter directly the regions list:

//A Set<Region> is more appropriate, IMO
.collect(toMap(p -> p, 
               p -> regions.stream()
                           .filter(r -> r.getZipCodes().contains(p.getZip()))

If I understand well, you could do something like this:
import java.util.AbstractMap.SimpleEntry;
import static java.util.stream.Collectors.toMap;
import static java.util.stream.Collectors.toList;


List<Person> persons = ...;
List<Region> regions = ...;

Map<Person, List<Region>> map = 
           .map(p -> new SimpleEntry<>(p, regions))
                          e -> e.getValue().stream()
                                           .filter(r -> r.getZipCodes().contains(e.getKey().getZip()))

From the List<Person> you get a Stream<Person>. Then you map each instance to a tuple <Person, List<Region>> that contains all the regions. From there, you collect the data in a map with the toMap collector and, for each person, you build a List of Region that contains the zip code of that person.

For example, given the input:

List<Person> persons = Arrays.asList(new Person("A"), new Person("B"), new Person("C"));

List<Region> regions = 
     Arrays.asList(new Region(Arrays.asList("A", "B")), new Region(Arrays.asList("A")));

It outputs:

Person{zip='A'} => [Region{zipCodes=[A, B]}, Region{zipCodes=[A]}]
Person{zip='B'} => [Region{zipCodes=[A, B]}]
Person{zip='C'} => []

Also I guess the zipCodes for each Region could be a Set.

like image 45
Alexis C. Avatar answered Oct 09 '22 17:10

Alexis C.