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How to go to a specific file in Chrome Developer Tools?

People also ask

How do I search for files in Chrome?

Use CTRL + SHIFT + F to search for content in files. Use CTRL + SHIFT + O to search for file names.

How do I locate a file using inspect element?

In Chrome, right-click on a page and select the "Inspect element" menu item. A new window pane will open in the lower half of the page with tabs named "Elements", "Resource", "Network", etc. Click on the Network tab and then reload the page. All files transferred over the network will appear in the Name column.

While in the sources tab use CTRL+O (+O for Mac) to search scripts, stylesheets and snippets by filename.

(use CTRL+SHIFT+O to filter/navigate to a JavaScript function/CSS rule when viewing a file)

[Chrome Devtools Cheatsheet]

CTRL + P brings up the search input in Windows.

enter image description here

+ P — in Mac.

enter image description here

In Windows:

Use CTRL+SHIFT+F to search for content in files.

Use CTRL+SHIFT+O to search for file names.