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How to get watch later playlist details after September 12th?

Today, on YouTube's revision history page it is stated that

The channel resource's contentDetails.relatedPlaylists.watchHistory and contentDetails.relatedPlaylists.watchLater properties are only visible to an authorized user retrieving data about the user's own channel. After September 12, 2016, the contentDetails.relatedPlaylists.watchHistory will return a value of HL and the contentDetails.relatedPlaylists.watchLater property will return a value of WL for all channels.

Requests to retrieve playlist details (playlists.list) for a channel's watch history or watch later playlist will return an empty list after September 12, 2016. Requests to retrieve playlist items (playlistItems.list) in either of those playlists will also return an empty list after that time. This is true for the new values, HL and WL, as well as for any watch history or watch later playlist IDs that your API Client may have already stored.

I have an (ok-working) extension thats only feature right now is to show the total length of time of a YouTube playlist. Right now you have to refresh the page (any page with a playlist on it) in order for the length to show up. I use playlists.list and playlistItems.list to get length details of each video in the playlist, you can view the source here. (Btw, you should totally comment on my code quality, I like feedback) As you can see from the revision, this extension won't work after September 12th for watch later playlists.

Anyways, the most useful case of my extension is to see how long it would take to get through your watch later playlist. Currently I know that it would take me 4 Days 17 Hours 7 Minutes and 10 Seconds to watch all 365 videos on my watch later playlist. After September 12th, I will not be able to know this information.

How am I supposed to get this information about my watch later playlist then? Which resource do I hit up? Is the next reasonable course of action to get hired by YouTube to work on their backend just to add the total length of time to watch a playlist into playlist.list?

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Ignat Avatar asked Aug 12 '16 01:08


People also ask

How do I access my watch later playlist?

Add videos to your Watch Later playlist While watching a video: Tap Save . Tap CHANGE to open your playlists and select Watch later or another playlist. While browsing videos: Tap More next to the video title and select Save to Watch later.

Is there a limit to the watch Later playlist on YouTube?

🌟 Is there any limit in the Watch Later playlist? + Yes, YouTube has put a limit on the number of videos you can save in your playlist. You have a limit of 5000 videos which you can save in your private Watch Later playlist.

Where is watch later on YouTube App 2022?

If the target video is in the YouTube recommendation list, you can click the 3-dot menu next to the video and select Save to Watch later. If you want to watch the videos in Watch later, you can click Watch later from the left-side menu of YouTube's Home page.

Where did the watch Later button go?

The 'Watch Later' feature is hidden in the Library section. Prior to a recent change to the YouTube UI, the 'Watch Later' button could also be revealed by hovering over a video thumbnail (top right corner with a Clock icon).

2 Answers

This data will not be available via the YouTube API service after September 15, 2016.

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Marc Chambers Avatar answered Sep 25 '22 21:09

Marc Chambers

The changelog confirms that the watch history and watch later playlists return empty lists. Unfortunately, no alternative is mentioned.

September 15, 2016.

In addition, requests to retrieve playlist details (playlists.list) or playlist items (playlistItems.list) for a channel's watch history or watch later playlist now return empty lists. This behavior is true for the new values, HL and WL, as well as for any watch history or watch later playlist IDs that your API Client may have already stored.

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splttingatms Avatar answered Sep 25 '22 21:09
