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How to get values from react FieldArray in formik form with other fields?




I have created a Formik form that contains a field array, form and fieldArray is in two separate classes as separate components.

My form:

<Formik onSubmit = {(values, { setSubmitting }) => { setSubmitting(false);}}
    {({handleSubmit, errors})=> (
        <Form onSubmit= { handleSubmit }>
            <Form.Group as= { Row } controlId= "cpFormGroupTitle" className="required">
                <Form.Label className="post-create-label"  column sm={ 2 } >
                <Col sm={ 10 }>
                    <Field name="title" component={ renderTextField } type="text"
                           isinvalid={ !!errors.title ? "true": "false" }
                           placeholder="Title *" />
            <Form.Group as= { Row } controlId= "cpFrmGroupShortDesc"  className="required">
                <Form.Label className="post-create-label"  column sm={ 2 } >
                    Short Description
                <Col sm={ 10 }>
                    <Field name="short-desc" component={ renderTextArea } type="text"
                           isinvalid={ !!errors.shortDescription ? "true": "false" }
                           placeholder="Short Description *" />
            <Form.Group as= { Row } controlId= "cpFormGroupFeatures">
                <Form.Label className="post-create-label"  column sm={ 2 }>
                <Col sm={ 10 }>
                    <TextFieldArray initialValues={{ features: [] } } name="features"/>
            <Form.Group as={ Row }>
                <Col sm= { { span: 2, offset:2 } }>
                    <Button type="submit"  variant="primary">Submit</Button>
                <Col sm={ 2 }>
                    <Button variant="secondary">Save as draft</Button>

Here, <TextFieldArray> is field array , I need to get values from field array when form is submitted.


export const TextFieldArray = (props) => (
        <Formik initialValues= { props.initialValues } render={({ values }) => (
                <FieldArray name= { props.name } render={arrayHelper => (
                        { values[props.name] && values[props.name].length > 0 ?
                                values[props.name].map((item, index) => (
                                    <div key={index}>
                                        <Form.Group as= { Row }>
                                            <div className="col-md-8">
                                                <Field name={`${props.name}.${index}`}
                                            <div className="col-md-2">
                                                <Button type="button" variant="outline-secondary"
                                                        onClick={() => arrayHelper.remove(index)}>
                                            <div className="col-md-2">
                                                <Button type="button" variant="outline-secondary"
                                                    onClick={() => arrayHelper.insert(index, '')}>
                            ) : (
                                <Button type="button" variant="outline-secondary"
                                        onClick={() => arrayHelper.push('')} >
                                   {`Add ${ props.name }`}
                )} />
        )} />

I'm a beginner to ReactJS, so someone help me please, that will be huge help from you all. Thanks.

like image 642
Roshan Avatar asked Oct 01 '19 19:10


People also ask

How do you get values from Formik React?

it is very simple just do console. log(formik. values) and you will get all the values without submitting it.

What is FieldArray in Formik?

<FieldArray /> is a component that helps with common array/list manipulations. You pass it a name property with the path to the key within values that holds the relevant array. <FieldArray /> will then give you access to array helper methods via render props.

Can Formik be nested?

The name props in Formik can use lodash-like dot paths to reference nested Formik values. This means that you do not need to flatten out your form's values anymore.

Does Formik need initial values?

initialValues: Values Even if your form is empty by default, you must initialize all fields with initial values otherwise React will throw an error saying that you have changed an input from uncontrolled to controlled.

1 Answers

To have field array be part of same form as other fields, only have one <Formik> and one <Form>. Then make initialValues on Formik that describes all the fields:

  initialValues={{ friends: someFriends, random: randomText }}

As seen in the following code from Formik FieldArray docs, with another form field added that is not part of the array:

import React, { useState } from "react";
import ReactDOM from "react-dom";
import { Formik, Form, Field, useField, FieldArray } from "formik";

const someFriends = ["jared", "ian", "brent"];
const randomText = "Four score and seven years ago...";

function MyTextInput({ label, ...props }) {
  // useField() returns [formik.getFieldProps(), formik.getFieldMeta()]
  // which we can spread on <input> and alse replace ErrorMessage entirely.
  const [field, meta] = useField(props);
  return (
        htmlFor={props.id || props.name}
        css={{ backgroundColor: props.backgroundColor }}
      <input className="text-input" {...field} type="text" {...props} />
      {meta.touched && meta.error ? (
        <div className="error">{meta.error}</div>
      ) : null}

// Here is an example of a form with an editable list.
// Next to each input are buttons for insert and remove.
// If the list is empty, there is a button to add an item.
export const FriendList = () => (
    <h1>Friend List</h1>
      initialValues={{ friends: someFriends, random: randomText }}
      onSubmit={values =>
        setTimeout(() => {
          alert(JSON.stringify(values, null, 2));
        }, 500)
      render={({ values }) => (
          <MyTextInput label="Random comment" name="random" />
            render={arrayHelpers => (
                {values.friends &&
                  values.friends.length > 0 &&
                  values.friends.map((friend, index) => (
                    <div key={index}>
                      <Field name={`friends.${index}`} />
                        onClick={() => arrayHelpers.remove(index)} // remove a friend from the list
                        onClick={() => arrayHelpers.insert(index, "")} // insert an empty string at a position

                {/* Add a new empty item at the end of the list */}
                <button type="button" onClick={() => arrayHelpers.push("")}>
                  Add Friend

                  <button type="submit">Submit</button>

ReactDOM.render(<FriendList />, document.getElementById("root"));

Code in codesandbox.

like image 170
ToolmakerSteve Avatar answered Nov 10 '22 23:11
