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How to get values from IGrouping

Since IGrouping<TKey, TElement> implements IEnumerable<TElement>, you can use SelectMany to put all the IEnumerables back into one IEnumerable all together:

List<smth> list = new List<smth>();
IEnumerable<IGrouping<int, smth>> groups = list.GroupBy(x => x.id);
IEnumerable<smth> smths = groups.SelectMany(group => group);
List<smth> newList = smths.ToList();

Here's an example that builds/runs: https://dotnetfiddle.net/DyuaaP

Video commentary of this solution: https://youtu.be/6BsU1n1KTdo

foreach (var v in structure) 
    var group = groups.Single(g => g.Key == v. ??? );
    v.ListOfSmth = group.ToList();

First you need to select the desired group. Then you can use the ToList method of on the group. The IGrouping is a IEnumerable of the values.

More clarified version of above answers:

IEnumerable<IGrouping<int, ClassA>> groups = list.GroupBy(x => x.PropertyIntOfClassA);

foreach (var groupingByClassA in groups)
    int propertyIntOfClassA = groupingByClassA.Key;

    //iterating through values
    foreach (var classA in groupingByClassA)
        int key = classA.PropertyIntOfClassA;

From definition of IGrouping :

IGrouping<out TKey, out TElement> : IEnumerable<TElement>, IEnumerable

you can just iterate through elements like this:

IEnumerable<IGrouping<int, smth>> groups = list.GroupBy(x => x.ID)
foreach(IEnumerable<smth> element in groups)
//do something

var groups = list.GroupBy(x => x.ID);

Can anybody suggest how to get the values (List) from an IGrouping<int, smth> in such a context?

"IGrouping<int, smth> group" is actually an IEnumerable with a key, so you either:

  • iterate on the group or
  • use group.ToList() to convert it to a List
foreach (IGrouping<int, smth> group in groups)
   var thisIsYourGroupKey = group.Key; 
   List<smth> list = group.ToList();     // or use directly group.foreach