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How to Get Value Out from the Tkinter Slider ("Scale")?

So, here is the code I have, and as I run it, the value of the slider bar appears above the slider, I wonder is there a way to get that value out? Maybe let a=that value. ;)

from Tkinter import *

control = Tk()

scale = Scale(control,orient=HORIZONTAL,length=300,width=20,sliderlength=10,from_=0,to=1000,tickinterval=100)

like image 466
user2006082 Avatar asked Jan 24 '13 19:01


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1 Answers

To get the value as it is modified, associate a function with the parameter command. This function will receive the current value, so you just work with it. Also note that in your code you have cline3 = Scale(...).pack(). cline3 is always None in this case, since that is what pack() returns.

import Tkinter

def print_value(val):
    print val

root = Tkinter.Tk()

scale = Tkinter.Scale(orient='horizontal', from_=0, to=128, command=print_value)

like image 113
mmgp Avatar answered Sep 28 '22 21:09
