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How to get updated remote config values after setting user properties

I'm currently running an A/B test on a remote config value in Firebase. The target of the test is for users with a user property X that is contained in a regex.

My problem is that I fetch the remote configs for the user BEFORE setting the user property, so I need to update the remote config when the user property is set. So basically, a force update of a remote config (that is updated because the user is now part of the AB test).

Any ideas?

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Michael Eilers Smith Avatar asked Feb 06 '19 22:02

Michael Eilers Smith

People also ask

What does getting remote config mean?

What is remote config? Remote config (short for "remote configuration") is a software development technique for mobile apps where the behavior or features of an app can be changed remotely without having to publish an app update.

What is default remote config?

Remote config basically means you're allowing a portion of your app to be configured from the server side, saving you the hassle of releasing a patch version every time you wish to make a minor change and allowing you to A/B test new features.

2 Answers

This article will help you.

Force your users to update your app with using firebase

This code will set app to fetch every minutes.


But this method does not force update app.

So, I suggest you to all server APIs implement the functionality to do version checking. For example, if your app version was updated, all of APIs will return "You need to update your app" error.

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Stanley Ko Avatar answered Sep 28 '22 04:09

Stanley Ko

Be careful with Firebase updates on both: iOS and Android. You can read more about it here: https://medium.com/@elye.project/be-careful-when-using-firebase-remote-config-control-for-pre-announced-feature-52f6dd4ecc18

On iOS config can be force updated with following code:

config.fetch(withExpirationDuration: 0, completionHandler: fetchCompletion)
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Timur Bernikovich Avatar answered Sep 28 '22 04:09

Timur Bernikovich