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How to get the SVN revision number in certain Date or date range

How can I get the revision number of a branch on certain date.

I have tried :

svn checkout -r {2006-02-17}

but can't get any output.

like image 228
Simsons Avatar asked Dec 08 '11 08:12


People also ask

How do I find my svn revision number?

"svn info --show-item revision" will give the current revision to which the current directory is updated.

How do I find my svn revision history?

To find information about the history of a file or directory, use the svn log command. svn log will provide you with a record of who made changes to a file or directory, at what revision it changed, the time and date of that revision, and, if it was provided, the log message that accompanied the commit.

What is Subversion revision number?

As we described in the section called “Revisions”, revision numbers in Subversion are pretty straightforward—integers that keep getting larger as you commit more changes to your versioned data. Still, it doesn't take long before you can no longer remember exactly what happened in each and every revision.

How do I find my svn revision number in Jenkins?

1 Answer. "http://your-jenkins-host/env-vars.html/" and you'd find a constant called "SVN_REVISION" Each job build will keep the SVN revision in the given variable. Check out this Jenkins Certification , if you want to up your Jenkins' skills.

1 Answers

 svn co -r {2011-11-28} svn://location/of/my/repository/branch

works for me. May be you are missing URL. however if I try to checkout a revision of a time when repo did not exist, I get

svn co -r {2006-11-28} svn://location/of/my/repository/branch
svn: Unable to find repository location for 'svn://location/of/my/repository/branch' in revision 0

Update After reading your comment you seem to be just interested in seeing committed file in a date range. Here is what I do:

svn log -r {2011-12-02}
r10514 | nishant | 2011-12-01 22:47:44 +0000 (Thu, 01 Dec 2011) | 1 line

fixed issue#2993

refer: SVN doc for revision specifiers Do read why it gives results for the commits made a day earlier.

Revision range is not applied on date.

svn co -r {2012-09-04}:{2012-09-14} svn://location/of/my/repository/branch
svn: Revision range is not allowed

However, if you just wanted to see the files altered between two date range. Just see the log

  svn log -r {2012-09-04}:{2012-09-14}
like image 85
Nishant Avatar answered Oct 14 '22 16:10
