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How to get the progress of WebView while loading the data, Xamarin.Forms

I am developing an App using Xamarin.Forms for listing the news from different sources. I use a webView to open the link corresponding to the news. But I want to show the progress while loading the webpage into web view, like the progress bar on Safari App. For this I have used the ProgressBar element like this:

            <!-- WebView needs to be given height and width request within layouts to render. -->

            <ProgressBar Progress ="" HorizontalOptions="FillAndExpand" x:Name="progress"/>
            <WebView x:Name="webView" 
                     VerticalOptions= "FillAndExpand" 

and in the code I have used

void webOnNavigating (object sender, WebNavigatingEventArgs e)
            progress.IsVisible = true;


        void webOnEndNavigating (object sender, WebNavigatedEventArgs e)
            progress.IsVisible = false;

But I want to show also the progress of loading the data, not just an indication that is loading and load. I want the user to know that the data are loading. Is there a way to achieve this.

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Xhulio Avatar asked Jan 12 '16 15:01


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The steps, given below are required to be followed in order to load a Webpage, using WebView in Xamarin Android app, using Visual Studio 2015. Click File--> select New--> select Project. The project needs to be clicked after opening all the types of projects in Visual Studio or click (Ctrl+Shift+N).

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Then, click OK. Now, select Blank App >> Platforms (Android, Universal Windows Platform, iOS) >> Xamarin.Forms >> .NET Standard and press OK. This opens the WebView and ProgressBar control to your MainPage.xaml page.

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1 Answers

The implementations should be platform specific via custom renders. Luckily this topics has been discussed already for different platforms here on SO.

The Android version based on this thread:

[assembly: ExportRenderer(typeof(WebView), typeof(GenericWebViewRenderer))]
namespace WebViewWithProgressBar.Droid
    public class GenericWebViewRenderer : WebViewRenderer
        Context ctx;

        public GenericWebViewRenderer(Context context) : base(context) 
            ctx = context;

        protected override void OnElementChanged(ElementChangedEventArgs<Xamarin.Forms.WebView> e)

            if (Control == null)

            var progressBar = new Android.Widget.ProgressBar(ctx, null, Android.Resource.Attribute.ProgressBarStyleHorizontal);
            Control.SetWebChromeClient(new MyWebChromeClient(progressBar));


        class MyWebChromeClient : Android.Webkit.WebChromeClient
            Android.Widget.ProgressBar progressBar;

            public MyWebChromeClient(Android.Widget.ProgressBar progressBar)
                this.progressBar = progressBar;

            public override void OnProgressChanged(Android.Webkit.WebView view, int newProgress)
                progressBar.SetProgress(newProgress, true);

On iOS it is a bit trickier, here is a very simple mock that does it job pretty well:

[assembly: ExportRenderer(typeof(WebView), typeof(GenericWebViewRenderer))]
namespace WebViewWithProgressBar.iOS
    public class GenericWebViewRenderer : ViewRenderer<WebView, UIWebView> 
        protected override void OnElementChanged(ElementChangedEventArgs<WebView> e)

            if (Control == null)
                var progressBar = new UIProgressView(UIProgressViewStyle.Bar);
                progressBar.TintColor = UIColor.Green;
                progressBar.TrackTintColor = UIColor.Black;
                progressBar.ProgressTintColor = UIColor.Red;

                var webView = new UIWebView(Frame);



                Control.Delegate = new MyUIWebViewDelegate(progressBar);

                webView.LoadRequest(new NSUrlRequest(new NSUrl("https://google.com")));

        class MyUIWebViewDelegate : UIWebViewDelegate
            UIProgressView progressBar { get; }

            public MyUIWebViewDelegate(UIProgressView progressBar)
                this.progressBar = progressBar;

            public override void LoadStarted(UIWebView webView)
                progressBar.SetProgress(0.1f, false);

            public override void LoadingFinished(UIWebView webView)
                progressBar.SetProgress(1.0f, true);

            public override void LoadFailed(UIWebView webView, NSError error)
                // TODO:

For more details please check here.

P.S.: This code examples are available on github.

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EvZ Avatar answered Oct 07 '22 18:10