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How to get the probability of a particular token(word) in a sentence given the context

I'm trying to calculate the probability or any type of score for words in a sentence using NLP. I've tried this approach with GPT2 model using Huggingface Transformers library, but, I couldn't get satisfactory results due to the model's unidirectional nature which for me didn't seem to predict within context. So I was wondering whether there is a way, to calculate the above said using BERT since it's Bidirectional.

I've found this post relatable, which I randomly saw the other day but didn't see any answer which would be useful for me as well.

Hope I will be able to receive ideas or a solution for this. Any help is appreciated. Thank you.

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Dilrukshi Perera Avatar asked May 14 '20 01:05

Dilrukshi Perera

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1 Answers

BERT is trained as a masked language model, i.e., it is trained to predict tokens that were replaced by a [MASK] token.

from transformers import AutoTokenizer, BertForMaskedLM

tok = AutoTokenizer.from_pretrained("bert-base-cased")
bert = BertForMaskedLM.from_pretrained("bert-base-cased")

input_idx = tok.encode(f"The {tok.mask_token} were the best rock band ever.")
logits = bert(torch.tensor([input_idx]))[0]
prediction = logits[0].argmax(dim=1)

It prints token no. 11581 which is:


The tricky thing is that words might be split into multiple subwords. You can simulate that be adding multiple [MASK] tokens, but then you have a problem of how to reliably compare the scores of prediction so different lengths. I would probably average the probabilities, but maybe there is a better way.

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Jindřich Avatar answered Sep 24 '22 00:09
