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How to get the payload property from bean validation annotation

I have a class with validation annotations on my properties, like this one:

@Size(min = 1, max = 255, payload = INVALID_CATEGORY_DESCRIPTION_LENGHT.class)
private String description;

Then I have a @ControllerAdvice to handle validation exceptions.

public ResponseEntity<?> methodArgumentNotValidException(MethodArgumentNotValidException exception) {

When one or more validation annotation fail, the exception handler is triggered as expected.

In order to get the payload property from the annotations, I am iterating over the fields with validation errors, then over the annotations and only then comparing the annotation name with the FieldError code. With the annotation in hands I can access the payload.

I wonder if there is a more elegant way to get the payload or the annotation which triggered the exception, as there is for the message property (exception.getMessage()).

like image 473
Paulo Pedroso Avatar asked Mar 31 '16 20:03

Paulo Pedroso

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1 Answers

Assuming your starting point is a ConstraintViolationException you are getting the set of ConstraintViolation instances via getConstraintViolations().

Each ConstraintViolation then has a getConstraintDescriptor(), which gives you metadata about the failing constraints. Once you have the ConstraintDescriptor you just call getPayload().

like image 123
Hardy Avatar answered Sep 24 '22 22:09
