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How to get the path to the lib folder for an installed package

Shared libraries .so files are placed in lib/armeabi in an apk file.

I have read after installation the libs gets extracted to /data/data/application_package/lib

How can I get the exact path to this directory in my application at run time? Is this directory readable by the application? Or is only executeable access allowed? If it is readable - Is this still true for copy protected applications?

like image 703
Zardos Avatar asked Apr 08 '10 21:04


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R packages are installed in a directory called library. The R function . libPaths() can be used to get the path to the library.

How to find library folder in android?

To find your Library, go to the bottom menu bar and select Library .

1 Answers

Added in API level 9


like image 186
Crossle Song Avatar answered Oct 20 '22 09:10

Crossle Song