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How to get the path of the request in symfony2

I know of the method \Symfony\Component\HttpFoundation\Request::getPathInfo() however in the docs it states that, that only returns the path of the request which is "relative" to the "executed script".How can I get the full path?and on a second note what does 'executed script' mean when all requests are going through the front controller?

like image 501
user2268997 Avatar asked Sep 01 '14 08:09


1 Answers

$request->getUri() returns the absolute URL => http://example.com/app.php/path

$request->getRequestUri() returns the absolute path => /app.php/path

$request->getPathInfo() returns the path corresponding to your controller's action => /path

getPathInfo just subtracts the executed script (/app.php) from the request URI, so it returns the path relative to the executed script.

like image 67
rpg600 Avatar answered Oct 02 '22 04:10
