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How to get the organization (tenant) id from user profile using the Microsoft Graph API

I'm creating an add-in that I to sell using organizational licenses.

I have implemented an authentication scheme on the add-in. I'm currently asking for User.Read scope for a sure authenticating using and Azure v2 endpoint. To get the user's information I'm querying


To properly test for the user's license I need extract the user's organization's identification. However, the user information I receive from the Grah request is increadibly lean. For an AAD account the schema looks something like:

  "@odata.context": "https://graph.microsoft.com/v1.0/$metadata#users/$entity",
  businessPhones: [],
  displayName: "FirstName LastName",
  givenName: "FirstName",
  id: "unique-id",
  jobTitle: null,
  mail: "[email protected]",
  mobilePhone: null,
  officeLocation: null,
  preferredLanguage: null,
  surname: "LastName",
  userPrincipalName: "[email protected]"

If I use


I get more information, but nothing that helps me pin down a unique id on the user's organization.

Is there a different scope I need to use to get information for the user's organization? And if there is not, can I rely on parsing the domain name from the user's email as a unique id for the user's organization? Do I need to query a different API?

Update: the OAuth response

In case it helps, after the user authenticates with AD, I receive the following response:

    access_token: "eyJ0eXAiOiJKV1QiLCJub25jZSI6IkFRQUJBQUFBQUFEWDhHQ2k2SnM2U0s4MlRzRDJQYjdyN1VLTzdJSDJSLWpTcmpScU9..."
    expires_at: Fri May 18 2018 07: 18: 42 GMT - 0400(Eastern Daylight Time) {}
    expires_in: "3599"
    provider: "Microsoft"
    scope: "https://graph.microsoft.com/User.Read"
    session_state: "012f4565-31bb-..."
    state: "259309..."
    token_type: "Bearer"

Update: The full AD response using https://graph.microsoft.com/BETA/me

    @odata.context: "https://graph.microsoft.com/beta/$metadata#users/$entity",
        accountEnabled: true,
        ageGroup: null,
        assignedLicenses: [],
        assignedPlans: [],
        businessPhones: [],
        city: null,
        companyName: null,
        consentProvidedForMinor: null,
        country: null,
        deletedDateTime: null,
        department: null,
        deviceKeys: [],
        displayName: "FirstName LastName",
        employeeId: null,
        givenName: "FirstName",
        id: "ebdcf715-43c5-4f48-ad0d-b798a3330849",
        imAddresses: [],
        jobTitle: null,
        legalAgeGroupClassification: null,
        mail: "[email protected]",
        mailNickname: "FirstName.LastName",
        mobilePhone: null,
        officeLocation: null,
        onPremisesDomainName: "COMPANYDOMAIN.COM",
        onPremisesExtensionAttributes: {
        onPremisesImmutableId: "...RVWAty...",
        onPremisesLastSyncDateTime: "2018-05-10T18:13:45Z",
        onPremisesProvisioningErrors: [],
        onPremisesSamAccountName: "FILastName",
        onPremisesSecurityIdentifier: "...-21-1412366426-...",
        onPremisesSyncEnabled: true,
        onPremisesUserPrincipalName: "[email protected]",
        passwordPolicies: "DisablePasswordExpiration",
        passwordProfile: null,
        postalCode: null,
        preferredDataLocation: null,
        preferredLanguage: null,
        provisionedPlans: [],
        proxyAddresses: [],
        refreshTokensValidFromDateTime: "2018-05-10T17:54:45Z",
        showInAddressList: null,
        state: null,
        streetAddress: null,
        surname: "LastName",
        usageLocation: "US",
        userPrincipalName: "[email protected]",
        userType: "Member"

Update: Decoding access_token with jwt.ms

  "typ": "",
  "nonce": "",
  "alg": "",
  "x5t": "",
  "kid": "iBjL1Rcqzhiy4fpxIxdZqohM2Yk"
  "aud": "",
  "iss": "",
  "iat": "",
  "nbf": "",
  "exp": "",
  "acr": "",
  "aio": "",
  "amr": [
  "app_displayname": "",
  "appid": "",
  "appidacr": "",
  "family_name": "",
  "given_name": "",
  "ipaddr": "",
  "name": "",
  "oid": "",
  "onprem_sid": "",
  "platf": "",
  "puid": "",
  "scp": "",
  "sub": "",
  "tid": "",
  "unique_name": "",
  "upn": "",
  "uti": "",
  "ver": "1.0"
like image 813
seebiscuit Avatar asked May 18 '18 10:05


People also ask

How do I get a tenant ID from Azure graph API?

Now this may not be using the graph API directly , but makes it extremely simple to obtain the tenant id of an organization. Just do a GET to "https://login.microsoftonline.com/{yourdomainname}/.well-known/openid-configuration". The structure returned will have the tenant id.

How do I find my tenant ID in Microsoft Graph?

[TenantID] = Directory (Tenant) ID can be found in your App overview. [ClientID] = Application (Client ID) can be found in your App overview. (optional) Scope = If needed change your scope if you want to use a different recource. "offline_access" is needed for a refresh token.

How do I find my API tenant ID?

You can simply call https://login.microsoftonline.com/tenantDomain/.well-known/openid-configuration and get the tenant id from there. Just parse the JSON it returns and get the tenant id from it - for example from issuer .

2 Answers

This seems to work

GET https://graph.microsoft.com/v1.0/organization 

The id property is the Tenant Id

Grahp Explorer link

like image 52
Alon Catz Avatar answered Oct 27 '22 23:10

Alon Catz

Now this may not be using the graph API directly , but makes it extremely simple to obtain the tenant id of an organization. Just do a GET to "https://login.microsoftonline.com/{yourdomainname}/.well-known/openid-configuration". The structure returned will have the tenant id. Try this url for example in your browser: https://login.microsoftonline.com/microsoft.com/.well-known/openid-configuration.

like image 35
Ben Avatar answered Oct 27 '22 23:10
