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How to get the name of HKWorkoutActivityType in HealthKit?

Ok, so the property workoutActivityType of the HKWorkout returns a NSInteger.

Here is a list with the activities: workoutActivityType list

For now, I will create a plist and look for the activity name when I get the integer. But it seems a little odd to have to go through this.

Do I need to find out which activity it is on my own or is there something I am missing?

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Jorge Avatar asked May 11 '15 18:05


3 Answers

For anyone still coming across this now, I have put together a simple HKWorkoutActivityType extension in swift to allow mapping to these types to user friendly strings, and also to appropriate emoji representations where available: https://github.com/georgegreenoflondon/HKWorkoutActivityType-Descriptions/.

The relevant snippet for this question being:

extension HKWorkoutActivityType {

     Simple mapping of available workout types to a human readable name.
    var name: String {
        switch self {
        case .americanFootball:             return "American Football"
        case .archery:                      return "Archery"
        case .australianFootball:           return "Australian Football"
        case .badminton:                    return "Badminton"
        case .baseball:                     return "Baseball"
        case .basketball:                   return "Basketball"
        case .bowling:                      return "Bowling"
        case .boxing:                       return "Boxing"
        case .climbing:                     return "Climbing"
        case .crossTraining:                return "Cross Training"
        case .curling:                      return "Curling"
        case .cycling:                      return "Cycling"
        case .dance:                        return "Dance"
        case .danceInspiredTraining:        return "Dance Inspired Training"
        case .elliptical:                   return "Elliptical"
        case .equestrianSports:             return "Equestrian Sports"
        case .fencing:                      return "Fencing"
        case .fishing:                      return "Fishing"
        case .functionalStrengthTraining:   return "Functional Strength Training"
        case .golf:                         return "Golf"
        case .gymnastics:                   return "Gymnastics"
        case .handball:                     return "Handball"
        case .hiking:                       return "Hiking"
        case .hockey:                       return "Hockey"
        case .hunting:                      return "Hunting"
        case .lacrosse:                     return "Lacrosse"
        case .martialArts:                  return "Martial Arts"
        case .mindAndBody:                  return "Mind and Body"
        case .mixedMetabolicCardioTraining: return "Mixed Metabolic Cardio Training"
        case .paddleSports:                 return "Paddle Sports"
        case .play:                         return "Play"
        case .preparationAndRecovery:       return "Preparation and Recovery"
        case .racquetball:                  return "Racquetball"
        case .rowing:                       return "Rowing"
        case .rugby:                        return "Rugby"
        case .running:                      return "Running"
        case .sailing:                      return "Sailing"
        case .skatingSports:                return "Skating Sports"
        case .snowSports:                   return "Snow Sports"
        case .soccer:                       return "Soccer"
        case .softball:                     return "Softball"
        case .squash:                       return "Squash"
        case .stairClimbing:                return "Stair Climbing"
        case .surfingSports:                return "Surfing Sports"
        case .swimming:                     return "Swimming"
        case .tableTennis:                  return "Table Tennis"
        case .tennis:                       return "Tennis"
        case .trackAndField:                return "Track and Field"
        case .traditionalStrengthTraining:  return "Traditional Strength Training"
        case .volleyball:                   return "Volleyball"
        case .walking:                      return "Walking"
        case .waterFitness:                 return "Water Fitness"
        case .waterPolo:                    return "Water Polo"
        case .waterSports:                  return "Water Sports"
        case .wrestling:                    return "Wrestling"
        case .yoga:                         return "Yoga"

        // iOS 10
        case .barre:                        return "Barre"
        case .coreTraining:                 return "Core Training"
        case .crossCountrySkiing:           return "Cross Country Skiing"
        case .downhillSkiing:               return "Downhill Skiing"
        case .flexibility:                  return "Flexibility"
        case .highIntensityIntervalTraining:    return "High Intensity Interval Training"
        case .jumpRope:                     return "Jump Rope"
        case .kickboxing:                   return "Kickboxing"
        case .pilates:                      return "Pilates"
        case .snowboarding:                 return "Snowboarding"
        case .stairs:                       return "Stairs"
        case .stepTraining:                 return "Step Training"
        case .wheelchairWalkPace:           return "Wheelchair Walk Pace"
        case .wheelchairRunPace:            return "Wheelchair Run Pace"

        // iOS 11
        case .taiChi:                       return "Tai Chi"
        case .mixedCardio:                  return "Mixed Cardio"
        case .handCycling:                  return "Hand Cycling"

        // iOS 13
        case .discSports:                   return "Disc Sports"
        case .fitnessGaming:                return "Fitness Gaming"

        // Catch-all
        default:                            return "Other"

like image 164
George Green Avatar answered Nov 07 '22 09:11

George Green

Unfortunately, apple only provides an enum and you would have to implement your own names. A good idea is to lazily instantiate a dictionary including keys of NSNumber (Object wrapped NSInteger) and values of strings. Should be quite easy to make and unfortunately the only solution.

like image 34
Schemetrical Avatar answered Nov 07 '22 07:11


extension HKWorkoutActivityType {
    var name: String {
        switch self {
        case .americanFootball:             return "American Football"
        case .archery:                      return "Archery"
        case .australianFootball:           return "Australian Football"
        case .badminton:                    return "Badminton"
        case .baseball:                     return "Baseball"
        case .basketball:                   return "Basketball"
        case .bowling:                      return "Bowling"
        case .boxing:                       return "Boxing"
        case .climbing:                     return "Climbing"
        case .cricket:                      return "Cricket"
        case .crossTraining:                return "Cross Training"
        case .curling:                      return "Curling"
        case .cycling:                      return "Cycling"
        case .dance:                        return "Dance"
        case .danceInspiredTraining:        return "Dance Inspired Training"
        case .elliptical:                   return "Elliptical"
        case .equestrianSports:             return "Equestrian Sports"
        case .fencing:                      return "Fencing"
        case .fishing:                      return "Fishing"
        case .functionalStrengthTraining:   return "Functional Strength Training"
        case .golf:                         return "Golf"
        case .gymnastics:                   return "Gymnastics"
        case .handball:                     return "Handball"
        case .hiking:                       return "Hiking"
        case .hockey:                       return "Hockey"
        case .hunting:                      return "Hunting"
        case .lacrosse:                     return "Lacrosse"
        case .martialArts:                  return "Martial Arts"
        case .mindAndBody:                  return "Mind and Body"
        case .mixedMetabolicCardioTraining: return "Mixed Metabolic Cardio Training"
        case .paddleSports:                 return "Paddle Sports"
        case .play:                         return "Play"
        case .preparationAndRecovery:       return "Preparation and Recovery"
        case .racquetball:                  return "Racquetball"
        case .rowing:                       return "Rowing"
        case .rugby:                        return "Rugby"
        case .running:                      return "Running"
        case .sailing:                      return "Sailing"
        case .skatingSports:                return "Skating Sports"
        case .snowSports:                   return "Snow Sports"
        case .soccer:                       return "Soccer"
        case .softball:                     return "Softball"
        case .squash:                       return "Squash"
        case .stairClimbing:                return "Stair Climbing"
        case .surfingSports:                return "Surfing Sports"
        case .swimming:                     return "Swimming"
        case .tableTennis:                  return "Table Tennis"
        case .tennis:                       return "Tennis"
        case .trackAndField:                return "Track and Field"
        case .traditionalStrengthTraining:  return "Traditional Strength Training"
        case .volleyball:                   return "Volleyball"
        case .walking:                      return "Walking"
        case .waterFitness:                 return "Water Fitness"
        case .waterPolo:                    return "Water Polo"
        case .waterSports:                  return "Water Sports"
        case .wrestling:                    return "Wrestling"
        case .yoga:                         return "Yoga"

        // - iOS 10

        case .barre:                        return "Barre"
        case .coreTraining:                 return "Core Training"
        case .crossCountrySkiing:           return "Cross Country Skiing"
        case .downhillSkiing:               return "Downhill Skiing"
        case .flexibility:                  return "Flexibility"
        case .highIntensityIntervalTraining:    return "High Intensity Interval Training"
        case .jumpRope:                     return "Jump Rope"
        case .kickboxing:                   return "Kickboxing"
        case .pilates:                      return "Pilates"
        case .snowboarding:                 return "Snowboarding"
        case .stairs:                       return "Stairs"
        case .stepTraining:                 return "Step Training"
        case .wheelchairWalkPace:           return "Wheelchair Walk Pace"
        case .wheelchairRunPace:            return "Wheelchair Run Pace"

        // - iOS 11

        case .taiChi:                       return "Tai Chi"
        case .mixedCardio:                  return "Mixed Cardio"
        case .handCycling:                  return "Hand Cycling"

        // - iOS 13

        case .discSports:                   return "Disc Sports"
        case .fitnessGaming:                return "Fitness Gaming"

        // - iOS 14
        case .cardioDance:                  return "Cardio Dance"
        case .socialDance:                  return "Social Dance"
        case .pickleball:                   return "Pickleball"
        case .cooldown:                     return "Cooldown"

        // - Other
        case .other:                        return "Other"
        @unknown default:                   return "Other"

The actual version of George Green's answer

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Anas Ben Mustafa Avatar answered Nov 07 '22 09:11

Anas Ben Mustafa