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how to get the name of column with maximum value in pyspark dataframe

How do we get the name of the column pyspark dataframe ?

   Alice  Eleonora  Mike  Helen       MAX
0      2         7     8      6      Mike
1     11         5     9      4     Alice
2      6        15    12      3  Eleonora
3      5         3     7      8     Helen

I need something like this. name of the columns no the max values, i am able to get the max values, i need the name

like image 987
Vikas Bishnoi Avatar asked Oct 18 '17 21:10

Vikas Bishnoi

People also ask

How do I get PySpark DataFrame column names?

You can find all column names & data types (DataType) of PySpark DataFrame by using df. dtypes and df. schema and you can also retrieve the data type of a specific column name using df. schema["name"].

What is ILOC in PySpark?

. iloc[] is primarily integer position based (from 0 to length-1 of the axis), but may also be used with a conditional boolean Series. Allowed inputs are: An integer for column selection, e.g. 5 . A list or array of integers for row selection with distinct index values, e.g. [3, 4, 0]

1 Answers

You can chain conditions to find which columns is equal to the maximum value:

cond = "psf.when" + ".when".join(["(psf.col('" + c + "') == psf.col('max_value'), psf.lit('" + c + "'))" for c in df.columns])
import pyspark.sql.functions as psf
df.withColumn("max_value", psf.greatest(*df.columns))\
    .withColumn("MAX", eval(cond))\

    |Alice|Eleonora|Mike|Helen|max_value|     MAX|
    |    2|       7|   8|    6|        8|    Mike|
    |   11|       5|   9|    4|       11|   Alice|
    |    6|      15|  12|    3|       15|Eleonora|
    |    5|       3|   7|    8|        8|   Helen|

OR: explode and filter

from itertools import chain
df.withColumn("max_value", psf.greatest(*df.columns))\
    .select("*", psf.posexplode(psf.create_map(list(chain(*[(psf.lit(c), psf.col(c)) for c in df.columns])))))\
    .filter("max_value = value")\
    .select(df.columns + [psf.col("key").alias("MAX")])\

OR: using a UDF on a dictionary:

from pyspark.sql.types import *
argmax_udf = psf.udf(lambda m: max(m, key=m.get), StringType())
df.withColumn("map", psf.create_map(list(chain(*[(psf.lit(c), psf.col(c)) for c in df.columns]))))\
    .withColumn("MAX", argmax_udf("map"))\

OR: using a UDF with a parameter:

from pyspark.sql.types import *
def argmax(cols, *args):
    return [c for c, v in zip(cols, args) if v == max(args)][0]
argmax_udf = lambda cols: psf.udf(lambda *args: argmax(cols, *args), StringType())
df.withColumn("MAX", argmax_udf(df.columns)(*df.columns))\
like image 51
MaFF Avatar answered Sep 27 '22 22:09