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How to get the memory address of the Java heap?




How can I determine the address in memory of the Java heap for a JVM running in the current process? That is, get a void* pointer or equivalent to the contiguous area of memory that the JVM has allocated for the heap, using Java, C, or other calls?

Matlab has a JVM embedded in its process. The memory the JVM allocates is unavailable for Matlab arrays, and of this, the heap is important, because it takes a big contiguous chunk of memory and never shrinks, and Matlab also needs contiguous memory for its arrays. If the heap is reallocated during expansion, that could cause fragmentation.

I'd like to instrument my process to examine the interaction between the Java heap and Matlab's view of memory, and to find out when it moves due to resizing, preferably all from within the process. This needs the address of the heap. It's easy to find the heap size from java.lang.Runtime, but not its address in memory. How can this be done?

I'm running Sun's JRE 1.6.0_04 in a Matlab R2008b process on Windows XP and Server 2003. I realize this probably needs to be a vendor-specific technique. The process runs code we've written, so we can use custom Java, Matlab, JNI, and C/C++ code. Java method calls or supported hooks in the JVM would be preferred to low-level hackery.

EDIT: The goal of this is to examine the interaction between the JVM's GC and Matlab's GC. I have no need to see into the Java heap and won't be reading anything from that memory; I just want to see where it is in the context of the overall virtual memory space that Matlab's GC is also trying to fit data into.

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Andrew Janke Avatar asked May 13 '09 18:05

Andrew Janke

People also ask

Can you access memory address in Java?

It's possible to retrieve an object's memory address using the java. lang. Unsafe class , and operate on its fields directly via unsafe get/put methods! With the allocateMemory method, memory can be allocated from off-heap.

Can we access heap memory in Java?

Heap space is used for the dynamic memory allocation of Java objects and JRE classes at runtime. New objects are always created in heap space, and the references to these objects are stored in stack memory. These objects have global access and we can access them from anywhere in the application.

Where is heap memory in Java?

The Java heap is the area of memory used to store objects instantiated by applications running on the JVM. When the JVM is started, heap memory is created and any objects in the heap can be shared between threads as long as the application is running.

Can we access heap memory?

Heap-memory is accessible or exists as long as the whole application(or java program) runs.

1 Answers

A quick 'n dirty way to get the actual heap address of the JVM is to jump into WinDbg, attaching to the JVM and issue a single !address command. Somewhere around 0x2??????? (It differes between jvm versions but remains static for that version) will be a large VAD marked PAGE_EXECUTE_READWRITE, this is your JVM's heap in the process's memory.

To confirm, you can set a breakpoint on kernel32!VirtualAlloc and upon JVM initilization in the module JVM.DLL you will hit on the call to VirtualAlloc showing you the jvm allocation its heap. If you check out the code around this call you can see how the address is calculated.

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QAZ Avatar answered Sep 29 '22 07:09