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How to get the last row from DataFrame?

I hava a DataFrame,the DataFrame hava two column 'value' and 'timestamp',,the 'timestmp' is ordered,I want to get the last row of the DataFrame,what should I do?

this is my input:

|    1|        1|
|    4|        2|
|    3|        3|
|    2|        4|
|    5|        5|
|    7|        6|
|    3|        7|
|    5|        8|
|    4|        9|
|   18|       10|

this is my code:

    val arr = Array((1,1),(4,2),(3,3),(2,4),(5,5),(7,6),(3,7),(5,8),(4,9),(18,10))
    var df=m_sparkCtx.parallelize(arr).toDF("value","timestamp")

this is my expected result:

|   18|       10|
like image 537
mentongwu Avatar asked Jul 31 '17 02:07


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Pandas iloc is used to retrieve data by specifying its integer index. In python negative index starts from end therefore we can access the last element by specifying index to -1 instead of length-1 which will yield the same result.

2 Answers

Try this, it works for me.

like image 162
Mimi Cheng Avatar answered Oct 20 '22 19:10

Mimi Cheng

I would use simply the query that - orders your table by descending order - takes 1st value from this order

query_latest_rec = """SELECT * FROM table_df ORDER BY value DESC limit 1"""
latest_rec = self.sqlContext.sql(query_latest_rec)
like image 45
Danylo Zherebetskyy Avatar answered Oct 20 '22 19:10

Danylo Zherebetskyy