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How to get the label of a choice in a Django forms ChoiceField?

I have a ChoiceField, now how do I get the label when I need it?

class ContactForm(forms.Form):      reason = forms.ChoiceField(choices=[("feature", "A feature"),                                          ("order", "An order")],                                 widget=forms.RadioSelect) 

form.cleaned_data["reason"] only gives me the feature or order values or so.

like image 864
webjunkie Avatar asked Apr 17 '09 18:04


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2 Answers

See the docs on Model.get_FOO_display(). So, should be something like :


In a template, use like this:

{{ OBJNAME.get_FIELDNAME_display }} 
like image 107
shacker Avatar answered Oct 05 '22 15:10


This may help:

reason = form.cleaned_data['reason'] reason = dict(form.fields['reason'].choices)[reason] 
like image 23
Andrés Torres Marroquín Avatar answered Oct 05 '22 14:10

Andrés Torres Marroquín