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How to get the Index column order(ASC, DESC, NULLS FIRST....) from Postgresql?



I have to retrieve the order of the columns involved in the index. Using the function pg_get_indexdef() I could get the definition of the index as shown below,

"CREATE INDEX test ON ravi1.table_with_index USING btree ("Column1" DESC, "Column3" DESC, "Column4") WITH (fillfactor=60)"

Here the definition says the Column1 and Column3 is in Descending order and Column4 is in Ascending order.

With this data in String, I have to do parsing to get the column sort order.

Is there any alternative way, so that I would be able to get the values ie., the Columns order.

Right now am getting the columns associated with individual indexes using the below query

SELECT ARRAY(SELECT pg_get_indexdef(idx.indexrelid, k + 1, true) FROM
generate_subscripts(idx.indkey, 1) as k ORDER BY k ) as index_members,
idx.indexprs IS NOT NULL as indexprs
FROM pg_index as idx
JOIN pg_class as i ON i.oid = idx.indexrelid
JOIN pg_namespace as ns ON ns.oid = i.relnamespace
JOIN pg_class as t ON t.oid = idx.indrelid
where ns.nspname = 'schema' and t.relname ='table' and i.relname ='index'

In the same query, is the way to look out for the column order as well ?

This will be of a great help it worked out, otherwise i have to write some parsers to get the values from pg_get_indexdef() function.



like image 849
Ravikumar S Avatar asked Aug 08 '13 08:08

Ravikumar S

People also ask

How do I order columns in PostgreSQL?

The only way to change column order is either by recreating the table, or by adding columns and rotating data until you reach the desired layout.

How do I fetch data in descending order Postgres?

When sorting your result set in descending order, you use the DESC attribute in your ORDER BY clause as follows: SELECT last_name, first_name, city FROM contacts WHERE first_name = 'Joe' ORDER BY last_name DESC; This PostgreSQL ORDER BY example would return all records sorted by the last_name field in descending order.

Does Postgres index null values?

PostgreSQL will not index NULL values. This is an important point. Because an index will never include NULL values, it cannot be used to satisfy the ORDER BY clause of a query that returns all rows in a table.

What is default ORDER BY in PostgreSQL?

The ORDER BY clause in PostgreSQL is used together with the SELECT statement to sort table data. The table data can either be sorted in ascending or descending order. By default, the data is sorted in ascending order.

2 Answers

The JDBC driver uses a much simpler query and it does return whether the column is defined as ASC or DESC

The following is more or less a verbatim copy of the source code of the driver. I removed some JDBC only columns to make it a bit more "general".

       ci.relname AS INDEX_NAME, 
       (i.keys).n AS ORDINAL_POSITION, 
       pg_catalog.pg_get_indexdef(ci.oid, (i.keys).n, false) AS COLUMN_NAME, 
       CASE am.amcanorder 
         WHEN true THEN CASE i.indoption[(i.keys).n - 1] & 1 
           WHEN 1 THEN 'DESC' 
           ELSE 'ASC' 
         ELSE NULL 
      pg_catalog.pg_get_expr(i.indpred, i.indrelid) AS FILTER_CONDITION 
FROM pg_catalog.pg_class ct 
  JOIN pg_catalog.pg_namespace n ON (ct.relnamespace = n.oid) 
  JOIN (SELECT i.indexrelid, i.indrelid, i.indoption, 
          i.indisunique, i.indisclustered, i.indpred, 
          information_schema._pg_expandarray(i.indkey) AS keys 
        FROM pg_catalog.pg_index i) i 
    ON (ct.oid = i.indrelid) 
  JOIN pg_catalog.pg_class ci ON (ci.oid = i.indexrelid) 
  JOIN pg_catalog.pg_am am ON (ci.relam = am.oid) 
WHERE n.nspname = 'some_schema'
AND ct.relname = 'some_table'

Obsolete Warning: As of PostgreSQL 9.6, the columns on pg_am are no longer available.

like image 185
a_horse_with_no_name Avatar answered Oct 25 '22 16:10


Putting such a query in your app is a great way to guarantee that a future maintainer will hate you forever. If you must do it, define a view in the DB that can at least be changed easily - and please propose a new entry in information_schema for this so it can be made accessible in a nice sane way in future.

I'm not surprised you're having trouble. After re- reading the docs on pg_index, pg_am, etc I thought it'd be an indoption. That was easy to confirm by creating two identical indexes, one asc, one desc. Making sure to interpret them correctly though...

I landed up looking at the source code, src/backend/utils/adt/ruleutils.c function pg_get_indexdef_worker.

This shows that it first tests whether pg_am.amcanorder is true, and if so decodes the bits in indoption.

This will get you the reloptions for columns that are orderable, assuming you want indexes for a table named blah2:

  i.relname, i.indrelid, k AS ordinalpos, i.indoption[k-1]
    pg_index.indrelid, pg_index.indclass, pg_index.indoption,
    unnest(indkey) as k
  FROM pg_index
  INNER JOIN pg_class ON pg_index.indexrelid = pg_class.oid
  WHERE pg_index.indrelid = 'blah2'::regclass
) i
INNER JOIN pg_opclass on (pg_opclass.oid = i.indclass[k-1]) 
INNER JOIN pg_am ON (pg_opclass.opcmethod = pg_am.oid)
WHERE pg_am.amcanorder;

The definition of the index option bits is in src/include/catalog/pg_index.h:

 * Index AMs that support ordered scans must support these two indoption
 * bits.  Otherwise, the content of the per-column indoption fields is
 * open for future definition.
#define INDOPTION_DESC                  0x0001  /* values are in reverse order */
#define INDOPTION_NULLS_FIRST   0x0002  /* NULLs are first instead of last */

Because they are not exposed at the SQL level you cannot rely on this not changing. Using this information might cause your app to stop working after a PostgreSQL upgrade. Though the JDBC driver uses them as horse points out, so they're not likely to be changed without a lot of thought.

You can decode the asc/desc bit like this:

CASE WHEN i.indoption[k-1] & 1 = 1 THEN 'DESC' ELSE 'ASC' END AS descasc,

but you must also handle the nulls first/last bit, whose meaning flips based on whether it's an ascending or descending index:

CASE WHEN (i.indoption[k-1] & 2 = 2) THEN 'NULLS FIRST' ELSE 'NULLS LAST' END

but then it gets messy once you start thinking about other index access methods / opclasses, non-orderable indexes (so you can't just inner join and filter), etc. Eventually I landed up at:

      t.relname AS tablename,
      i.relname AS indexname, pg_attribute.attname AS colname,
      k AS col_order,
      CASE WHEN NOT amcanorder THEN '' WHEN i.indoption[k-1] & 1 = 1 THEN 'DESC' ELSE 'ASC' END AS descasc,
      CASE WHEN NOT amcanorder THEN '' WHEN (i.indoption[k-1] & 2 = 2) THEN 'NULLS FIRST' ELSE 'NULLS LAST' END AS nulls
    FROM (
        pg_index.indrelid, pg_index.indclass, pg_index.indoption,
        unnest(pg_index.indkey) AS k
      FROM pg_index
      INNER JOIN pg_class ON pg_index.indexrelid = pg_class.oid
      WHERE pg_index.indrelid = 'blah2'::regclass
    ) i
    INNER JOIN pg_opclass on (pg_opclass.oid = i.indclass[k-1])
    INNER JOIN pg_am ON (pg_opclass.opcmethod = pg_am.oid)
    INNER JOIN pg_class t ON i.indrelid = t.oid
    INNER JOIN pg_attribute ON (pg_attribute.attrelid = i.indrelid AND pg_attribute.attnum = k);

... but haven't comprehensively tested it against GiST, GIN, custom index methods, all index definition variations, etc. It certainly doesn't deal with:

  • unique indexes
  • custom collations
  • partial indexes
  • omitting defaults (ASC, NULLS LAST for ASC, and NULLS FIRST for DESC)

and probably more. Of course you'll want to parameterize the table name filter too.

@a_horsE_with_no_name likely has the right idea: crib the JDBC driver's query and be done with it.

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Craig Ringer Avatar answered Oct 25 '22 16:10

Craig Ringer