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How to get the first element of Set in ES6 ( EcmaScript 2015) [duplicate]

In ES6, how do we quickly get the element?

in MDN Syntax for Set, I didn't find an answer for it.

like image 357
JavaScripter Avatar asked Sep 12 '15 13:09


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1 Answers

They don't seem to expose the List to be accesible from the instanced Object. This is from the EcmaScript Draft:

23.2.4 Properties of Set Instances

Set instances are ordinary objects that inherit properties from the Set prototype. Set instances also have a [[SetData]] internal slot.

[[SetData]] is the list of Values the Set is holding.

A possible solution (an a somewhat expensive one) is to grab an iterator and then call next() for the first value:

var x = new Set(); x.add(1); x.add({ a: 2 }); //get iterator: var it = x.values(); //get first entry: var first = it.next(); //get value out of the iterator entry: var value = first.value; console.log(value); //1 

Worth mention too that:

Set.prototype.values === Set.prototype.keys 
like image 176
MinusFour Avatar answered Sep 21 '22 02:09
