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How to get the exit code of spawned process in expect shell script?


I am trying to execute a script that executes an EXPECT script and a spawned process which has exit code in it. But I'm unable to get the exit code of the spawned process to main script. I'm always getting zero as success.

expect script is :

 [Linux Dev:anr ]$ cat testexit.sh  #!/bin/bash  export tmp_script_file="/home/anr/tmp_script_temp.sh"  cp /home/anr/tmp_script $tmp_script_file  chmod a+x $tmp_script_file  cat $tmp_script_file  expect << 'EOF'  set timeout -1  spawn  $env(tmp_script_file)  expect {  "INVALID "  { exit 4 }  timeout     { exit 4 }  }  EOF  echo "spawned process status" $?  rm -f $tmp_script_file  echo "done" 

Spawned script:

 [Linux Dev:anr ]$ cat tmp_script  exit 3 

Execution of Expect script:

 [Linux Dev:anr ]$ ./testexit.sh  exit 3  spawn /home/anr/tmp_script_temp.sh  spawned process status 0  done 

Problem is I am unable to get the spawned exit return code to expect script. I want the exit code 3 of spawned script to main script and main script should be exit with exit code 3.

Please help me to get the spawned exit code to main script.

like image 955
ANR Avatar asked May 12 '14 16:05


People also ask

How do you exit an expect script?

Using close just before exiting the script doesn't do much, as an exit will also implicitly close . Then there's exit that exits your script. Choosing between the three depends on what you want to do. If you want to exit, I'd say just exit , and let the remote deal with the EOF.

How do I check script exit code?

Checking Bash Exit Code Launch a terminal, and run any command. Check the value of the shell variable “$?” for the exit code. $ echo $? As the “date” command ran successfully, the exit code is 0.

What is exit code in shell script?

Exit Codes. Exit codes are a number between 0 and 255, which is returned by any Unix command when it returns control to its parent process. Other numbers can be used, but these are treated modulo 256, so exit -10 is equivalent to exit 246 , and exit 257 is equivalent to exit 1 .

What is exit code bash2?

All builtins return an exit status of 2 to indicate incorrect usage, generally invalid options or missing arguments.

2 Answers

You get the exit status of the spawned process with the wait command:

expect <<'END' log_user 0 spawn sh -c {echo hello; exit 42} expect eof puts $expect_out(buffer)  lassign [wait] pid spawnid os_error_flag value  if {$os_error_flag == 0} {     puts "exit status: $value" } else {     puts "errno: $value" } END 
hello  exit status: 42 

From the expect man page

wait [args]

delays until a spawned process (or the current process if none is named) terminates.

wait normally returns a list of four integers. The first integer is the pid of the process that was waited upon. The second integer is the corresponding spawn id. The third integer is -1 if an operating system error occurred, or 0 otherwise. If the third integer was 0, the fourth integer is the status returned by the spawned process. If the third integer was -1, the fourth integer is the value of errno set by the operating system. The global variable errorCode is also set.


expect { "INVALID "  { exit 4 } timeout     { exit 4 } } 


expect {     "INVALID "  { exit 4 }     timeout     { exit 4 }     eof } 

Then add the lassign and if commands.

like image 128
glenn jackman Avatar answered Sep 21 '22 08:09

glenn jackman

With the help of glenn, I got solution.. and my final script is::

expect script is

 [Linux Dev:anr ]$ cat testexit.sh  #!/bin/bash  export tmp_script_file="/home/anr/tmp_script_temp.sh"  cp /home/anr/tmp_script $tmp_script_file  chmod a+x $tmp_script_file  cat $tmp_script_file  expect << 'EOF'  set timeout -1  spawn  $env(tmp_script_file)  expect {  "INVALID "  { exit 4 }  timeout     { exit 4 }  eof  }   foreach {pid spawnid os_error_flag value} [wait] break   if {$os_error_flag == 0} {      puts "exit status: $value"      exit $value  } else {      puts "errno: $value"      exit $value  }  EOF  echo "spawned process status" $?  rm -f $tmp_script_file  echo "done" 

Spawned script:

 [Linux Dev:anr ]$ cat tmp_script  exit 3 

Execution of Expect script:

 [Linux Dev:anr ]$ ./testexit.sh  exit 3  spawn /home/anr/tmp_script_temp.sh  exit status: 3  spawned process status 3  done 

Thanks Glenn once again..

like image 42
ANR Avatar answered Sep 22 '22 08:09