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How to get the Drive Letter for the DevicePath




I am using Win32 API.

Really i do not understand how to get the drive letter for DevicePath of a USB stick .

can you pls explain it to me

( what i have is SP_DEVICE_INTERFACE_DETAIL_DATA DevicePath

using this Device path i get VID AND PID of the usb device

my device path looks like below


Is there any way to to map DRIVE LETTER to my DEVICE PATH

so please help me to map drive letter to DevicePath )

Thanks for any help.

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user198725878 Avatar asked Feb 27 '23 21:02


2 Answers

The link I provided in your other question gives you all the information you need to do this. In semi-pseudocode:

DiskDevice = CreateFile(DiskDevicePath);
DiskDeviceNumber = DeviceIoControl(DiskDevice, IOCTL_STORAGE_GET_DEVICE_NUMBER);
for each VolumeDevicePath in GetLogicalDriveStrings
    VolumeDevice = CreateFile(VolumeDevicePath);
    VolumeDeviceNumber = DeviceIoControl(VolumeDevice, IOCTL_STORAGE_GET_DEVICE_NUMBER);
    if(VolumeDeviceNumber == DiskDeviceNumber)
        // volume (i.e. "G:") corresponding to VolumeDevicePath resides on disk (i.e. "XYZ USB Storage Device") corresponding to DiskDevicePath

I'm not 100% sure (it's been a while), but I think that the Disk device (GUID_DEVINTERFACE_DISK) is a child of the USB device (GUID_DEVINTERFACE_USB_DEVICE). In any event, I think DiskDevicePath needs to be the path of the Disk device (not the USB device).

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Luke Avatar answered Mar 01 '23 09:03


Take a look at this, maybe it'll help (I don't think there's an easy way to do it ...)


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humbagumba Avatar answered Mar 01 '23 09:03
