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How to get the debuggee's command line in WinDbg?



Is there any extension command could to do so? I just want to the the whole command line including all parameters.

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Thomson Avatar asked Jun 03 '11 08:06


People also ask

How do I open the Debug command?

To open the Debug Console, use the Debug Console action at the top of the Debug pane or use the View: Debug Console command (Ctrl+Shift+Y).

How do I clear the WinDbg command window?

In WinDbg, you can clear the command history by using the Edit | Clear Command Output command or by selecting Clear command output on the shortcut menu of the Debugger Command window.

How do you stop a WinDbg?

Exiting WinDbg You can exit WinDbg by choosing Exit from the File menu or by pressing ALT+F4. If you are performing user-mode debugging, these commands close the application that you are debugging, unless you used the -pd command-line option when you started the debugger.

1 Answers

Information like the command line args are stored in the PEB (Process Environment Block).

You can find a list of common commands here.

!peb will display the PEB.

like image 88
Jason Evans Avatar answered Oct 14 '22 08:10

Jason Evans