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How to get the company id from Linkedin Company URL in PHP?





I have the Linkedin company URL as follows,


and the company ID for ABB limited is 277579. Essentially you can also reach ABB through http://www.linkedin.com/company/277579.

But if I have only http://in.linkedin.com/company/abb. Is it possible to get the company ID through this URL? Does parsing the URL help? Seeking any good method to get the company ID.

Is there any other way to do without using Linkedin API?

Hope I am clear with my question. Any help would be appreciated.

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user1518659 Avatar asked Dec 10 '12 08:12


2 Answers

Type in your company name in the autocomplete field. Wait until your company name appears as a result. Then click on your company name. Click on Get Code.

<script src="//platform.linkedin.com/in.js" type="text/javascript"> lang: en_US</script>
<script type="IN/FollowCompany" data-id="162479" data-counter="top"></script>

e.g. data-id="162479" is the ID for Apple Company Page


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Danger14 Avatar answered Sep 19 '22 23:09


I don't know of a way to get this with PHP, so programmatically discovering a company's id may not be an option this way.

However, if you set up a MITM between yourself and LinkedIn.com, you can discover all the network activity between your browser and LinkedIn. A quick way to do this is is by using https://www.owasp.org/index.php/ZAP or http://mitmproxy.org/.

LinkedIn sends the company id of any company page you visit to their ad partners at doubleclick. An example request I discovered is:


Within the request parameters, find the "company" param, and its value should be the numeric company id you need:


To verify it is the correct company id, tack it onto the end of a LinkedIn company page:


Voila, it works!

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Andrew Avatar answered Sep 20 '22 23:09
