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How to get started with SoftHSM

I am currently trying to get a SoftHSM going (on a Windows platform). The goal is establish a communication channel between a client and the HSM server so that some data can be encrypted on the server side and be sent back to the calling client.

I download one from this site: https://www.opendnssec.org/download/

Furthermore, I followed the documentation as stated on this page: https://wiki.opendnssec.org/display/SoftHSMDOCS/SoftHSM+Documentation+Home - but besides from creating a couple of slots, I haven't managed to get anything right.

I ran the following command to create the slot(s):

softhsm --init-token --slot 0 --label "My token 1"

I am not sure how to go from here, I cannot find any useful information / tutorials about the topic. I guess that I should start small and try and create a server application that communicates to the SoftHSM ... I apologize for all the n00b questions!!

like image 880
Richard Bailey Avatar asked Apr 16 '12 11:04

Richard Bailey

People also ask

How do I use SoftHSM?

To be able to create tokens as a normal user, make /var/lib/softhsm/tokens readable and writable by adding yourself to the ods group. Make sure that the user running the application server belongs to this group as well. After setting privileges, you can use softhsm as normal user.

1 Answers

If the installation was successful in /usr/local/bin/softshm there should be the file libsofthsm.so.

This file contains the implementation of crytoki api - and you can use it like- so/dll that comes with hardware of pkcs#11

like image 90
Eyal Leshem Avatar answered Oct 06 '22 06:10

Eyal Leshem