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How to get Skype Group Chat ID



How to find the the SkypeGroupChat ID from the a Skype account. I would like to send message to a Skype group using Skype API (SkPy with python)

like image 980
Naufal Avatar asked Mar 08 '23 06:03


2 Answers

I found out another way to view the chat id:

  • Login your Web Skype use Chrome,
  • press F12 to open developer tool,
  • switch to "Network" tab, then send some message in the chat group you need to know the id,
  • lookup the network records, you will find some requests to send message like this:
Request URL: https://client-s.gateway.messenger.live.com/v1/users/ME/conversations/19%3Axxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx%40thread.skype/messages?x-ecs-etag=xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx....

after "conversations" in the path, "19:[email protected]" is chat group id as you want. (%3A is ":", %40 is "@")

like image 119
Erica Yao Avatar answered Mar 10 '23 21:03

Erica Yao

I solved the problem.

Here is my code to find GroupID:

from skpy import Skype, SkypeChats

sk = Skype("userID", "password")
skc = SkypeChats(sk)

then get information of recent conversations on terminal like

{'19:[email protected]': SkypeGroupChat(id='19:[email protected]', ....

On skpy document, declaring that Group conversation identifiers looks like 19:<random>@thread.skype.

like image 35
Eve Chiu Avatar answered Mar 10 '23 21:03

Eve Chiu