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How to get self into a Python method without explicitly accepting it

I'm developing a documentation testing framework -- basically unit tests for PDFs. Tests are (decorated) methods of instances of classes defined by the framework, and these are located and instantiated at runtime and the methods are invoked to execute the tests.

My goal is to cut down on the amount of quirky Python syntax that the people who will write tests need to be concerned about, as these people may or may not be Python programmers, or even very much programmers at all. So I would like them to be able to write "def foo():" instead of "def foo(self):" for methods, but still be able to use "self" to access members.

In an ordinary program I would consider this a horrible idea, but in a domain-specific-languagey kind of program like this one, it seems worth a try.

I have successfully eliminated the self from the method signature by using a decorator (actually, since I am using a decorator already for the test cases, I would just roll it into that), but "self" does not then refer to anything in the test case method.

I have considered using a global for self, and even come up with an implementation that more or less works, but I'd rather pollute the smallest namespace possible, which is why I would prefer to inject the variable directly into the test case method's local namespace. Any thoughts?

like image 531
kindall Avatar asked Aug 10 '10 22:08


People also ask

Can I pass self to function Python?

There is no problem with that whatsoever - self is an object like any other and may be used in any context where object of its type/behavior would be welcome. In Python, as exemplified by the standard library, instances of self get passed to functions (and also to methods, and even operators) all the time.

Can I use self without class in Python?

A lot of built in methods in python use self as a parameter and there is no need for you to declare the class; For example, you can use the string. upper() command to capitalize each letter without needing to tell python which class to use.

What should I pass for self in Python?

Self is the first argument to be passed in Constructor and Instance Method. Self must be provided as a First parameter to the Instance method and constructor. If you don't provide it, it will cause an error.

How do you call a method without parameters in Python?

In these cases, we can call our function without specifying the values for the parameters with default arguments. To do this in Python, we can use the = sign followed by the default value.

2 Answers

My accepted answer to this question was pretty dumb but I was just starting out. Here's a much better way. This is only scantily tested but it's good for a demonstration of the proper way to do this thing which is improper to do. It works on 2.6.5 for sure. I haven't tested any other versions but no opcodes are hardcoded into it so it should be about as portable as most other 2.x code.

add_self can be applied as a decorator but that would defeat the purpose (why not just type 'self'?) It would be easy to adapt the metaclass from my other answer to apply this function instead.

import opcode
import types

def instructions(code):
    """Iterates over a code string yielding integer [op, arg] pairs

    If the opcode does not take an argument, just put None in the second part
    code = map(ord, code)
    i, L = 0, len(code)
    extended_arg = 0
    while i < L:
        op = code[i]
        i+= 1
        if op < opcode.HAVE_ARGUMENT:
            yield [op, None]
        oparg = code[i] + (code[i+1] << 8) + extended_arg
        extended_arg = 0
        i += 2
        if op == opcode.EXTENDED_ARG:
            extended_arg = oparg << 16
        yield [op, oparg]

def write_instruction(inst):
    """Takes an integer [op, arg] pair and returns a list of character bytecodes"""
    op, oparg = inst
    if oparg is None:
        return [chr(op)]
    elif oparg <= 65536L:
        return [chr(op), chr(oparg & 255), chr((oparg >> 8) & 255)]
    elif oparg <= 4294967296L:
        # The argument is large enough to need 4 bytes and the EXTENDED_ARG opcode
        return [chr(opcode.EXTENDED_ARG),
                chr((oparg >> 16) & 255),
                chr((oparg >> 24) & 255),
                chr(oparg & 255),
                chr((oparg >> 8) & 255)]
        raise ValueError("Invalid oparg: {0} is too large".format(oparg))

def add_self(f):
    """Add self to a method

    Creates a new function by prepending the name 'self' to co_varnames, and      
    incrementing co_argcount and co_nlocals. Increase the index of all other locals
    by 1 to compensate. Also removes 'self' from co_names and decrease the index of 
    all names that occur after it by 1. Finally, replace all occurrences of 
    `LOAD_GLOBAL i,j` that make reference to the old 'self' with 'LOAD_FAST 0,0'.   

    Essentially, just create a code object that is exactly the same but has one more
    code_obj = f.func_code
        self_index = code_obj.co_names.index('self')
    except ValueError:
        raise NotImplementedError("self is not a global")

    # The arguments are just the first co_argcount co_varnames
    varnames = ('self', ) + code_obj.co_varnames   
    names = tuple(name for name in code_obj.co_names if name != 'self')

    code = []

    for inst in instructions(code_obj.co_code):
        op = inst[0]
        if op in opcode.haslocal:
            # The index is now one greater because we added 'self' at the head of
            # the tuple
            inst[1] += 1
        elif op in opcode.hasname:
            arg = inst[1]
            if arg == self_index:
                # This refers to the old global 'self'
                if op == opcode.opmap['LOAD_GLOBAL']:
                    inst[0] = opcode.opmap['LOAD_FAST']
                    inst[1] = 0
                    # If `self` is used as an attribute, real global, module
                    # name, module attribute, or gets looked at funny, bail out.
                    raise NotImplementedError("Abnormal use of self")
            elif arg > self_index:
                # This rewrites the index to account for the old global 'self'
                # having been removed.
                inst[1] -= 1

        code += write_instruction(inst)

    code = ''.join(code)

    # type help(types.CodeType) at the interpreter prompt for this one   
    new_code_obj = types.CodeType(code_obj.co_argcount + 1,
                                  code_obj.co_nlocals + 1,

    # help(types.FunctionType)
    return types.FunctionType(new_code_obj, f.func_globals)

class Test(object):

    msg = 'Foo'

    def show(msg):
        print self.msg + msg

t = Test()
like image 196
aaronasterling Avatar answered Sep 24 '22 20:09


little upgrade for aaronasterling's solution( i haven't enough reputation to comment it ):

def wrap(f):
    def wrapper(self,*arg,**kw):
        f.func_globals['self'] = self        
        return f(*arg,**kw)
    return wrapper

but both this solutions will work unpredictable if f function will be called recursively for different instance, so you have to clone it like this:

import types
class wrap(object):
    def __init__(self,func):
        self.func = func
    def __get__(self,obj,type):
        new_globals = self.func.func_globals.copy()
        new_globals['self'] = obj
        return types.FunctionType(self.func.func_code,new_globals)
class C(object):
    def __init__(self,word):
        self.greeting = word
    def greet(name):
        print(self.greeting+' , ' + name+ '!')
like image 39
Odomontois Avatar answered Sep 23 '22 20:09
